APE <--------->WAV
Everything, Nothing ...
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
The Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery is published by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press on behalf of the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association.
Copyright © 2002-2005 HKAM. All rights reserved.
Layout, design, and revisions Copyright © 2005 HKAM.
The Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery is published by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press on behalf of the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association.
Copyright © 2002-2005 HKAM. All rights reserved.
Layout, design, and revisions Copyright © 2005 HKAM.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
shocked by the response from MIT president regarding Japanese woodprints issue
President Hockfield has read your email about images used by VisualizingCultures and has asked me to reply. We appreciate your strong concerns with the images and text on this web site. These images are the subject of academic inquiry. Visualizing Cultures looks at"cultures" in the broadest sense, including cultures of war, race, propagandaand atrocity that we must confront squarely if we are ever to create a betterworld. To date, the model case study has been Japan's emergence as a modern state. Thenewest unit, Ground Zero 1945, addresses the human effects of the atomic bombdropped on Hiroshima. For more information, read an interview with Professor John Dower at or visit the web site at Professors Dower and Miyagawa are available to discuss these issues in personwith members of the MIT community. Sincerely,
Japanese woodprints issue
Dear CSSA members,As you are probably aware, we recently witnessed MIT's featuring an exhibit of Japanese wartime propaganda, which we deem most inappropriate. ( We would like to update you with the actions CSSA has taken regarding this Japanese woodprints issue.We have collected the emails expressing their concerns that people have written to the school. We have presented a compilation of the community's response to the school and shown the administration the reactions among the Chinese community.Please see the attached email at the end. On behalf of the Chinese Students and Scholars on campus, CSSA has sent a formal email complaint to the MIT president, Dean Colbert (the Dean for Graduate students), ISO, Ombus, as well as the authors. We have set up meetings with Dean Colbert, the Ombus, and the two authors to inform the Institute of our concerns and complaints. We are going to decide our future actions depending on the outcomes of the meetings.CSSA does encourage everybody who has additional concerns to take actions to make their voices and concerns heard. We will keep collecting your feedbacks and try our best to present all of them to the Institute. At the same time, any response from the administration will be updated to our community.Best RegardsHuan and Lin*******************************************************************************Dear President Hockfield,On behalf of the Chinese Students and Scholars on MIT campus, CSSA feltcompelled to express our horror at the way Visualizing Culture depicts theart of the war. We are shocked that such cultural insensitivity could haveoccurred at the Institute and want to make our concerns known to the MITadministration.Please find below the text of an email detailing our official response, sentto the professors of the OCW course.Best RegardsHuan Zhang, President of MIT Chinese Student and Scholar Association LinHan, Vice President of MIT Chinese Student and Scholar AssociationThough we are the Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA), we comefrom an assortment of backgrounds and cultures. We value the diversitywithin our own group, and we are most grateful for the support and benefitsthe culturally-diverse MIT microcosm has afforded us and our members.However, the "Throwing off Asia" exhibit recently Spotlighted on MIT'shomepage has shaken our confidence in the cultural sensitivity we have cometo associate with this accepting environment. The exhibit has left usdisappointed at the nonchalance with which this emotionally provocative anddemeaning material was presented, as we struggle to understand how suchnegligence could have been overlooked at the Institute.In particular, the vivid images of the wartime atrocities inflicted on theChinese conjured up haunting emotions of loss and rage, not unlike thoseemotions people around the world feel toward the much better-known and moretalked-about events of the Holocaust. Already, the outcry from MIT'sChinese community has been thunderous, and the distress levels severe. Wedo understand the historical significance of these wood prints, and respectthe authors' academic freedom to purse this study. However, we are appalledat the lack of accessible explanations and the proper historical contextthat ought to accompany these images.Phrases featured prominently at the top of the page under Old China, NewJapan include "Still, predictable patterns give order to this chaos.Discipline (the Japanese side) prevails over disarray (the Chinese)," and"In short, the Chinese are riotous in every way disgracefully so in theirbehavior, and delightfully so in their accoutrements." The only circumstanceunder which these very racially-charged statements might be possiblyacceptable is if they are being used to describe the depictions of theimages. Yet at first glance, that purpose is far from obvious; instead, thetext seems to suggest that it is reporting history itself. The issue of theblatant racism so prominently exhibited in these images and descriptions isnot addressed until much further down the page, almost at the end of thearticle.In light of this, we at the CSSA would like to request the following:1) The authors should provide the proper historical context for the printsas an introductory paragraph at the top of the page. This text shouldinclude arnings stating that the images are graphical in nature and could bepotentially emotionally-damaging. This text should also address the racistsentiment and provide the historical perspective (the woodprints' wartimepropaganda nature), with which it encourages readers to bear in mind whenbrowsing through the pages.2) MIT should pay special attention to the presentation ofculturally-demeaning content, particularly to its emotionally-damagingpotential. As materials in MIT's lauded Open Course Ware, this onlineexhibit is accessible by anyone with a computer and an internet connectionanywhere around the world. Is this careless disregard for culturalsentiments what MIT wants the world to believe to be MIT's "visualization"of cultures? Is this cultural insensitivity what MIT wants to associatewith its quality and breadth of classes?While we are particularly sensitive to the exhibit's contents, we arecertainly aware of their historical significance. We have no doubt that theauthors do not endorse the wood prints' contents in any way beyond theirartistic and historical value. Nevertheless, we cannot condone theirresponsible nature in which such material has been presented. An exhibitshould provoke discussion / debate, but in this case, it could have beendone in a more delicate manner that would not involve offending the entireChinese community. We are ready to confront the past, but we believe thatauthors have a paramount duty to delivering proper guidance as well.We welcome continued conversations on this issue, and we eagerly await yourresponse.
Friday, April 21, 2006
hot research areas/topics
SCI-BYTES 每周筛选出的最热门研究领域
Materials Science: A Few Institutions Lead the Way
April 2003 editors have identified 214 researchers in the Materials Science category. Seventeen countries are represented, with the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany leading the way.
The Materials Science category is very much a composite of specific sub-disciplines within the broader Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering categories. In addition to journals devoted specifically to materials science, materials engineering, and metallurgy (e.g. Journal of Materials Research, Advanced Materials, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions), journals which cross disciplinary boundaries are well represented: Chemistry journals related to chemical testing of materials, chemical coating technology, organic and polymer chemistry (e.g. Journal of Applied Polymer Science), and aspects of physical chemistry/chemical physics and electrochemistry (Journal of Electrochemistry) are frequently cited in Materials Science, as are journals in areas of Physics such as applied physics (Nanotechnology, Physics of Metals and Metallography), condensed matter physics, ceramics (Journal of the American Ceramic Society), and surface and film deposition (Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology). It is therefore no surprise that many of our Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science are also highly cited in one or more of the other categories. (11 researchers in Physics, 6 in Engineering, and 2 in Chemistry). Two researchers, Anthony G. Evans of University of California, Santa Barbara, and Hadis Morkoç of Virginia Commonwealth University (previously profiled in Community News), are cited in three categories: Physics, Engineering, and Materials Science. While the inherently interdisciplinary nature of Materials Science predictably leads to frequent cross-citation with other ISI categories, what may be less expected is the relative dominance of a few institutions in the field: Pennsylvania State University dominates the category, with an amazing 12 Highly-Cited Researchers in materials science based there. This is twice the number at the next-most influential institution, the University of Texas at Austin, with 6 Highly Cited materials scientists; the University of California, Santa Barbara, Stanford University, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung follow closely with 5 apiece. Penn State alone accounts for nearly 5% of the researchers; the seven top institutions combined host 43, or 20%, of the entire category. This is the largest percentages to date of researchers in a given category based at a single institution.
Penn State's success can be partly attributed to its aggressive efforts to integrate a materials science curriculum among several colleges and departments, as well as to develop industry partners, through the prestigious Materials Research Institute, which grew out of the Materials Research Laboratory where many of the influential works of the Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science were published. Reflecting the importance of other scientific fields to materials science, the MRI is composed of researchers from sub-units as disparate as the College of Medicine, the College of Agricultural Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics, as well as the more traditional engineering, chemistry, and physics departments. The Materials Research Institute can be found on the Web at
Dr. Evans' profile is available on
Dr. Morkoç's profile is available on
View the full list of researchers by using the "Browse" by category function, or click here.
Materials Science: A Few Institutions Lead the Way
April 2003 editors have identified 214 researchers in the Materials Science category. Seventeen countries are represented, with the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany leading the way.
The Materials Science category is very much a composite of specific sub-disciplines within the broader Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering categories. In addition to journals devoted specifically to materials science, materials engineering, and metallurgy (e.g. Journal of Materials Research, Advanced Materials, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions), journals which cross disciplinary boundaries are well represented: Chemistry journals related to chemical testing of materials, chemical coating technology, organic and polymer chemistry (e.g. Journal of Applied Polymer Science), and aspects of physical chemistry/chemical physics and electrochemistry (Journal of Electrochemistry) are frequently cited in Materials Science, as are journals in areas of Physics such as applied physics (Nanotechnology, Physics of Metals and Metallography), condensed matter physics, ceramics (Journal of the American Ceramic Society), and surface and film deposition (Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology). It is therefore no surprise that many of our Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science are also highly cited in one or more of the other categories. (11 researchers in Physics, 6 in Engineering, and 2 in Chemistry). Two researchers, Anthony G. Evans of University of California, Santa Barbara, and Hadis Morkoç of Virginia Commonwealth University (previously profiled in Community News), are cited in three categories: Physics, Engineering, and Materials Science. While the inherently interdisciplinary nature of Materials Science predictably leads to frequent cross-citation with other ISI categories, what may be less expected is the relative dominance of a few institutions in the field: Pennsylvania State University dominates the category, with an amazing 12 Highly-Cited Researchers in materials science based there. This is twice the number at the next-most influential institution, the University of Texas at Austin, with 6 Highly Cited materials scientists; the University of California, Santa Barbara, Stanford University, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung follow closely with 5 apiece. Penn State alone accounts for nearly 5% of the researchers; the seven top institutions combined host 43, or 20%, of the entire category. This is the largest percentages to date of researchers in a given category based at a single institution.
Penn State's success can be partly attributed to its aggressive efforts to integrate a materials science curriculum among several colleges and departments, as well as to develop industry partners, through the prestigious Materials Research Institute, which grew out of the Materials Research Laboratory where many of the influential works of the Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science were published. Reflecting the importance of other scientific fields to materials science, the MRI is composed of researchers from sub-units as disparate as the College of Medicine, the College of Agricultural Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics, as well as the more traditional engineering, chemistry, and physics departments. The Materials Research Institute can be found on the Web at
Dr. Evans' profile is available on
Dr. Morkoç's profile is available on
View the full list of researchers by using the "Browse" by category function, or click here.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
what a brave guy!
发信人: Biowizard (Biowizard), 信区: Biology
标 题: 今天与老板吵架
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 18 01:35:47 2006)
老板在讨论Authorships时,把她喜欢的一个美国人放第一位,把我放第二位,我们是co-authors.我当时就提出异议,因为我做了绝大部分试验,并且很多都是我的ideas.那个美国人只是帮我做了一些实验而已,也出了些ideas, 但他跟老扳关系最好。与那个美国人和老板argue了好长时间,老扳说,I have made my mind, there will be no discussion about it.我很沮丧,但也很为自己感到骄傲,因为我做了我想做的事!
发信人: Biowizard (Biowizard), 信区: Biology
标 题: 今天与老板吵架
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 18 01:35:47 2006)
老板在讨论Authorships时,把她喜欢的一个美国人放第一位,把我放第二位,我们是co-authors.我当时就提出异议,因为我做了绝大部分试验,并且很多都是我的ideas.那个美国人只是帮我做了一些实验而已,也出了些ideas, 但他跟老扳关系最好。与那个美国人和老板argue了好长时间,老扳说,I have made my mind, there will be no discussion about it.我很沮丧,但也很为自己感到骄傲,因为我做了我想做的事!
terrible supervisor
this guy is in ETH now
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
use rss to track the literature
scopus provided a new service, rss. it's a good way to track the literature published on certain topic
Friday, April 14, 2006
Messenger Plus! v3.63.48
With the release of Messenger Plus! Live 4.00 set to the start of May, Patchou released the final version of its MSN/Windows Messenger 4, 5, 6 & 7-compatible predecessor: Messenger Plus!.
Download version 3.63.148 to be fully prepared for the public release of both Windows Live Messenger and Messenger Plus! Live in a couple of weeks. MP! Live will automatically disable this version as soon as its installed, but you will be able to appeal to this version of the addon in case you're using Windows Messenger 4 or 5.
Good news for the unpronounced "Sponsor Haters" club: the new sponsor package, distributed by Circle Development Ltd from now on, is weeded from homepage-jacking and search bar takeover techinques (and in case you'd ask: no, nothing has been added either). The sponsor agreement in the setup has been enlarged so the part about the advertisement is instantly readable. Finally, Messenger Plus! is now listed as Messenger Plus! 3 & Sponsor in Add/Remove Programs, so you know immediately what to remove when you're annoyed by the ads.
Download: Messenger Plus v3.63.48 4.5 MB (Optional Adware)
View: Messenger Plus! Website
News source:
* Note: This version of Messenger Plus! does not work with Windows Live Messenger 8.
With the release of Messenger Plus! Live 4.00 set to the start of May, Patchou released the final version of its MSN/Windows Messenger 4, 5, 6 & 7-compatible predecessor: Messenger Plus!.
Download version 3.63.148 to be fully prepared for the public release of both Windows Live Messenger and Messenger Plus! Live in a couple of weeks. MP! Live will automatically disable this version as soon as its installed, but you will be able to appeal to this version of the addon in case you're using Windows Messenger 4 or 5.
Good news for the unpronounced "Sponsor Haters" club: the new sponsor package, distributed by Circle Development Ltd from now on, is weeded from homepage-jacking and search bar takeover techinques (and in case you'd ask: no, nothing has been added either). The sponsor agreement in the setup has been enlarged so the part about the advertisement is instantly readable. Finally, Messenger Plus! is now listed as Messenger Plus! 3 & Sponsor in Add/Remove Programs, so you know immediately what to remove when you're annoyed by the ads.
Download: Messenger Plus v3.63.48 4.5 MB (Optional Adware)
View: Messenger Plus! Website
News source:
* Note: This version of Messenger Plus! does not work with Windows Live Messenger 8.
Windows Live Academic Launches
The Live Team has finally launched its new Academic search facility. Essentially this service searches books and articles for text that allows students to hunt down the right book or allows tutors to find out which students plaguerized from what book. Also worthy of note; The Windows Live logo is used even though its beta, the same can not be said for the rest of the Live services.
The Live Team
The Live Team
Thursday, April 13, 2006
no posts in the past several days
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so thatit will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger andsign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for yourpatience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Blogger Support
Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so thatit will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger andsign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for yourpatience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
Blogger Support
no post because it was reported as spam in the past serval days
Hello,Your blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so thatit will no longer appear as potential spam. If you sign out of Blogger andsign back in again, you should be able to post as normal. Thanks for yourpatience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.Sincerely,
Blogger Support
Blogger Support
Friday, April 07, 2006
from now on, i will read at least one article or book chapter on biomaterials, write down some comments after reading
literatures to read on Apr. 7, 2006
Osteoblast adhesion on biomaterials
Author: Anselme K.1
Source: Biomaterials, Volume 21, Number 7, April 2000, pp. 667-681(15)
Publisher:Elsevier Science
The development of tissue engineering in the field of orthopaedic surgery is now booming. Two fields of research in particular are emerging: the association of osteo-inductive factors with implantable materials; and the association of osteogenic stem cells with these materials (hybrid materials). In both cases, an understanding of the phenomena of cell adhesion and, in particular, understanding of the proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion on contact with the materials is of crucial importance. The proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion are described in this review (extracellular matrix proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, integrins, cadherins, etc.). During osteoblast/material interactions, their expression is modified according to the surface characteristics of materials. Their involvement in osteoblastic response to mechanical stimulation highlights the significance of taking them into consideration during development of future biomaterials. Finally, an understanding of the proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion opens up new possibilities for the grafting of these proteins (or synthesized peptide) onto vector materials, to increase their in vivo bioactivity or to promote cell integration within the vector material during the development of hybrid materials.
Keywords: Osteoblast; Adhesion; Biomaterial; Tissue engineering
Language: English
Document Type: Review article
DOI: 10.1016/S0142-9612(99)00242-2
Affiliations: 1: Institut de Recherche sur les Maladies du Squelette, Institut Calot, Rue du Dr Calot, 62600 Berck sur mer cedex, , France
literatures to read on Apr. 7, 2006
Osteoblast adhesion on biomaterials
Author: Anselme K.1
Source: Biomaterials, Volume 21, Number 7, April 2000, pp. 667-681(15)
Publisher:Elsevier Science
The development of tissue engineering in the field of orthopaedic surgery is now booming. Two fields of research in particular are emerging: the association of osteo-inductive factors with implantable materials; and the association of osteogenic stem cells with these materials (hybrid materials). In both cases, an understanding of the phenomena of cell adhesion and, in particular, understanding of the proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion on contact with the materials is of crucial importance. The proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion are described in this review (extracellular matrix proteins, cytoskeletal proteins, integrins, cadherins, etc.). During osteoblast/material interactions, their expression is modified according to the surface characteristics of materials. Their involvement in osteoblastic response to mechanical stimulation highlights the significance of taking them into consideration during development of future biomaterials. Finally, an understanding of the proteins involved in osteoblast adhesion opens up new possibilities for the grafting of these proteins (or synthesized peptide) onto vector materials, to increase their in vivo bioactivity or to promote cell integration within the vector material during the development of hybrid materials.
Keywords: Osteoblast; Adhesion; Biomaterial; Tissue engineering
Language: English
Document Type: Review article
DOI: 10.1016/S0142-9612(99)00242-2
Affiliations: 1: Institut de Recherche sur les Maladies du Squelette, Institut Calot, Rue du Dr Calot, 62600 Berck sur mer cedex, , France
Thursday, April 06, 2006
group meeting
gene expression of osteoblast on bioceramics, given by LIN Liwen
wishe i can learn some new knowledge from the presentation
wishe i can learn some new knowledge from the presentation
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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The art and science of amateur experimentalism
The global home for chemistry discussion
The global home for chemistry discussion
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accounts of database or library
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ebooks on CS, EE, Math
appz, ebooks, etc
ebooks on CS, EE, Math
work plan
so many things to do, i'm afraid i have to stay in lab during the mid-semester break
prepare the sodium azide+EDTA solution, i hesitate to do this simply NaN3 is toxic, but i'd better do this asap, otherwise it may be postponed to easter monday. wash glassware for solution preparation fisrt
epoxy embedding is ready tonight, then i can prepare the samples for polish
prepare the sodium azide+EDTA solution, i hesitate to do this simply NaN3 is toxic, but i'd better do this asap, otherwise it may be postponed to easter monday. wash glassware for solution preparation fisrt
epoxy embedding is ready tonight, then i can prepare the samples for polish
tomorrow is ching ming festival
grandma left me for almost one year, i can still remember her now
it's a life long regret that i lose the chance to see her when i went home in the new year of 2005
i bless grandma is happy in heaven
it's a life long regret that i lose the chance to see her when i went home in the new year of 2005
i bless grandma is happy in heaven
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