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Friday, April 21, 2006

hot research areas/topics

SCI-BYTES 每周筛选出的最热门研究领域http://in-cites.com/research/2006/index.html

Materials Science: A Few Institutions Lead the Way
April 2003
ISIHighlyCited.com editors have identified 214 researchers in the Materials Science category. Seventeen countries are represented, with the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany leading the way.
The Materials Science category is very much a composite of specific sub-disciplines within the broader Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering categories. In addition to journals devoted specifically to materials science, materials engineering, and metallurgy (e.g. Journal of Materials Research, Advanced Materials, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions), journals which cross disciplinary boundaries are well represented: Chemistry journals related to chemical testing of materials, chemical coating technology, organic and polymer chemistry (e.g. Journal of Applied Polymer Science), and aspects of physical chemistry/chemical physics and electrochemistry (Journal of Electrochemistry) are frequently cited in Materials Science, as are journals in areas of Physics such as applied physics (Nanotechnology, Physics of Metals and Metallography), condensed matter physics, ceramics (Journal of the American Ceramic Society), and surface and film deposition (Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology). It is therefore no surprise that many of our Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science are also highly cited in one or more of the other categories. (11 researchers in Physics, 6 in Engineering, and 2 in Chemistry). Two researchers, Anthony G. Evans of University of California, Santa Barbara, and Hadis Morkoç of Virginia Commonwealth University (previously profiled in Community News), are cited in three categories: Physics, Engineering, and Materials Science. While the inherently interdisciplinary nature of Materials Science predictably leads to frequent cross-citation with other ISI categories, what may be less expected is the relative dominance of a few institutions in the field: Pennsylvania State University dominates the category, with an amazing 12 Highly-Cited Researchers in materials science based there. This is twice the number at the next-most influential institution, the University of Texas at Austin, with 6 Highly Cited materials scientists; the University of California, Santa Barbara, Stanford University, North Carolina State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung follow closely with 5 apiece. Penn State alone accounts for nearly 5% of the researchers; the seven top institutions combined host 43, or 20%, of the entire category. This is the largest percentages to date of researchers in a given category based at a single institution.
Penn State's success can be partly attributed to its aggressive efforts to integrate a materials science curriculum among several colleges and departments, as well as to develop industry partners, through the prestigious Materials Research Institute, which grew out of the Materials Research Laboratory where many of the influential works of the Highly Cited Researchers in Materials Science were published. Reflecting the importance of other scientific fields to materials science, the MRI is composed of researchers from sub-units as disparate as the College of Medicine, the College of Agricultural Sciences, and the Department of Mathematics, as well as the more traditional engineering, chemistry, and physics departments. The Materials Research Institute can be found on the Web at http://www.mri.psu.edu/.
Dr. Evans' profile is available on ISIHighlyCited.com.
Dr. Morkoç's profile is available on ISIHighlyCited.com.
View the full list of researchers by using the "Browse" by category function, or click here.


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