Everything, Nothing ...
Friday, June 29, 2007
SD Top25
Chitin and chitosan: Properties and applications
• Review article
Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 31, Issue 7, 1 July 2006, Pages 603-632
Rinaudo, M.
Structural engineering of polyurethane coatings for high performance applications
• Review article
Progress in Polymer Science, Volume 32, Issue 3, 1 March 2007, Pages 352-418
Chattopadhyay, D.K.; Raju, K.V.S.N.
Structural and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites
• Review article
Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, Volume 53, Issue 3-4, 1 August 2006, Pages 73-197
Tjong, S.C.
One dimensional nanostructured materials
• Review article
Progress in Materials Science, 1 July 2007, Pages 699-913
Kuchibhatla, S.V.N.T.; Karakoti, A.S.; Bera, D.; Seal, S.
Synthesis and surface engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications
• Review article
Biomaterials, Volume 26, Issue 18, 1 June 2005, Pages 3995-4021
Gupta, A.K.; Gupta, M.
'Smart''nanoparticles: Preparation, characterization and applications
• Review article
Polymer, Volume 48, Issue 7, 1 March 2007, Pages 1815-1823
Ballauff, M.; Lu, Y.
A review on highly ordered, vertically oriented TiO"2 nanotube arrays: Fabrication, material properties, and solar energy applications
• Review article
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 90, Issue 14, 1 September 2006, Pages 2011-2075
Mor, G.K.; Varghese, O.K.; Paulose, M.; Shankar, K.; Grimes, C.A.
Challenges and advances in nanocomposite processing techniques
• Review article
Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports, Volume 54, Issue 5-6, 1 November 2006, Pages 121-285
Viswanathan, V.; Laha, T.; Balani, K.; Agarwal, A.; Seal, S.
Stem cell-based tissue engineering with silk biomaterials
• Review article
Biomaterials, Volume 27, Issue 36, 1 December 2006, Pages 6064-6082
Wang, Y.; Kim, H.-J.; Vunjak-Novakovic, G.; Kaplan, D.L.
SD Top25
Carbon nanotubes - becoming clean
• Review article
Materials Today, Volume 10, Issue 1-2, 1 January 2007, Pages 28-35
Grobert, N.
SD Top25
Advanced functional polymer membranes
• Review article
Polymer, Volume 47, Issue 7, 1 March 2006, Pages 2217-2262
Ulbricht, M.
SD Top25
Progress and recent trends in biofuels
• Review article
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 33, Issue 1, 1 February 2007, Pages 1-18
Demirbas, A.
Faculty Position
September 4, 2006 Volume 84, Number 36 pp. 102-104
10 Tips To Help You Get A Faculty Job
Faculty from around the country share stories to help candidates 'ace' the interview process
Susan R. Morrissey
Every year, numerous graduate students and postdocs carefully prepare their CVs, scour the classified ads looking for open academic faculty positions, and apply to those in their areas of expertise. For a lucky few, their application results in an on-campus interview and an opportunity to wow the hiring institution.
Getty Image
Nerve-Racking Earning a faculty position is not without stress.
Although preparing a knockout CV, blanketing institutions with applications, and waiting to hear about a job prospect are stressful pursuits, the campus interview presents a unique challenge. After all, candidates have only a day or two to convince a panel of established professors that they are up to the task of leading a research project, teaching various courses, and being a valued colleague.
Navigating the interviewing process takes some practice, but there are several things that candidates can do (or avoid doing) to increase their chances of succeeding. To help shed some light for first-time candidates on the dos and don'ts of academic faculty interviewing, C&EN asked several faculty members at large research universities around the country to share their advice based on stories about memorable interviews. The following are the top 10 tips offered by this group, in no particular order.
Tip 1: Use all available resources. It should come as no surprise that the more applications candidates send out, the greater their chances of getting a job. This wisdom holds true for all jobs, including those in academics. But in order to apply, candidates must first find an opening.
A candidate's academic mentor is often a great source of finding open positions in line with one's research interest. A common mistake made by students and postdocs, however, is assuming that their mentors can get them the job, points out Peter J. Stang, organic chemistry professor at the University of Utah. "A mentor can open doors, but the candidate must get the job," he says.
Tip 2: Spend some time learning about the faculty and the university you are visiting. Perhaps hiring a private investigator is going too far, but it's worthwhile to spend some time reading about the research interests of the department faculty and learning details about the university and its surrounding community.
"Not knowing some of the important scientific players in the department, whether the institution is public or private, and a little bit about the local history does not go over well," says Morton Z. Hoffman, chemistry professor emeritus at Boston University. For example, Hoffman notes that one of the candidates who interviewed in his department wasn't completely sure about the difference between Boston University and Boston College, leaving Hoffman to wonder if the candidate knew where he was that day.
Aside from simply knowing where you are, doing your homework on the faculty can come in handy. "One of my favorite anecdotes was when a candidate interviewed for a junior faculty position at Ohio State," says Alan G. Marshall, chemistry and biochemistry professor at Florida State University.
According to Marshall, the most renowned organic chemist in the department asked the candidate to justify the feasibility of one of the reactions in his proposal. "Without missing a beat, the candidate cited one of the faculty member's own publications as rationale," he says. The moral: Candidates should always prime themselves on the research of the faculty at the target institution.
Tip 3: Be polite, professional, and warm. It may seem obvious, but interviewing committees are looking for someone they can connect with and who will represent their department well. They want someone who is not only smart, but also friendly with at least some degree of social skills.
"One of my very good postdocs was having trouble with his interviews," explains Ronald Breslow, chemistry professor at Columbia University. After talking with his colleagues who took part in the interview, Breslow learned that his postdoc was "presenting his work and ideas with a reserved, cool manner."
Breslow worked with his postdoc to help him convey enthusiasm about his work, and after some practice, he was a "roaring success." Even though, as Breslow explains, his postdoc was then perceived as a bit "hyper," he was offered the job.
California Institute of Technology chemistry professor Harry B. Gray tells C&EN a similar story. Gray notes that it's often difficult to judge people in the short span of the interview, and sometimes brilliant people who are perceived as cold are ranked below others who may not be as accomplished professionally but come off well in the interview. The take-home message is to focus on connecting with the faculty in addition to showcasing your scientific knowledge.
Part of connecting with others involves social skills. "Although you can be forgiven for not knowing which fork to use in a multicourse dinner, don't be a boor who exhibits no evidence of any social graces," Hoffman says. "It might be helpful to know something about the world situation and local politics in the event that dinner conversation strays away from a discussion of your latest research result," he advises.
It's also important to be professional and to treat the interview seriously. While he was an organic chemistry professor at the University of South Florida, Douglas J. Raber, consultant with GreenPoint Science, tells C&EN that he once went to the airport to pick up a faculty candidate. As soon as the fellow landed, he asked how far it was to the Everglades. "We soon realized that he really had no interest in the position at USF, but he did want plane fare to visit Florida for a short vacation," Raber explains.
Tip 4: Use a mirror. Again, this may seem like common sense, but stories exist of candidates who gave presentations with their pants unzipped or food in their teeth. These simple faux pas can be distracting and cost a candidate a job offer.
"One candidate had neglected to cut the tacking on the vent in his new suit jacket," says Marcetta Y. Darensbourg, chemistry professor at Texas A&M University. "For some reason, the audience just couldn't focus on the chemistry, knowing that he could have been a little more with it," she notes.
Tip 5: Keep your presentation on target and on time. Aside from the standard presentation tips of not packing slides with lots of words and then reading them to the audience, many of the faculty contacted by C&EN stressed the importance of not running long during presentations.
LeRoy N. Sanchez/Los Alamos National Laboratory
Presenter Effective use of PowerPoint presentations is one key to navigating the interviewing process successfully.
"The candidate should have practiced his or her presentation for timing and content," Darensbourg advises. She recalls a presentation in which a candidate ran over the allotted time by 25 minutes. It was his first interview, she notes, adding that although everyone tends to give the candidates some leeway in their first interview, going too long reflected poorly on the candidate.
Underscoring this point, Hoffman says, "If your seminar is scheduled for a one-hour slot, plan your presentation for 45 minutes to allow for the fact that you are apt to be interrupted by questions and to leave plenty of time for discussion." He adds that "it's bad form to push the schedule so no one can ask questions," because the interviewing faculty might wonder if that was done deliberately.
"Nothing is more exasperating than a candidate who uses up all of his or her time trying to include every possible prior or proposed project and leaving no time for discussion," Marshall agrees. "The question-and-answer period is the best place for a candidate to show his or her ability to think on his or her feet and to demonstrate knowledge going beyond what is on the slide," he explains.
Tip 6: Don't be afraid to add some scientific theater to your presentation. Giving a presentation doesn't have to be a boring run-through of slides. In fact, Darensbourg says when she was interviewing for her position, she brought along a prop. "I carried with me a giant molecular structure that could be used to point out reaction spots, and it gave me a chance for eye contact with the audience as I explained it," she says. And, although PowerPoint presentations have become popular for their razzmatazz appeal, using a prop is still likely to be effective.
Scientific theater can also be brought into a presentation by including a mistake on one of the slides and correcting it during the presentation, notes Roald Hoffmann, chemistry professor at Cornell University. "This gives people the impression that this person is not just reading his or her slides, but that they're thinking as they're giving the talk," he points out.
Tip 7: Don't fake it. Although building in some scientific theater may be helpful, candidates should be careful not to go overboard. Stang tells C&EN that he sees a lot of young candidates using glitzy PowerPoint presentations. "A good PowerPoint is appreciated, but candidates must make sure the glitz doesn't overshadow the science," he cautions.
In the end, the interviewing faculty are looking for a candidate who knows his or her science. "Don't try to dazzle the interviewing committee," Hoffman notes. "Faculty, having dealt with students and colleagues for years, have seen it all, and can detect baloney and insincerity in a nanosecond."
Simply put, "if you don't know the answer to a question, say so-don't try to fake it," Marshall says. He adds that candidates should remember to keep answers to questions short and not to use them as an excuse to add several minutes to their presentation.
Tip 8: Work out the details. Developing a research proposal is not an easy task. It requires candidates to outline feasible research projects and provide some idea of the costs for doing the work. If either component is off, it could spell disaster.
Because no research proposal focuses on just one project, candidates should rank their proposed projects. "Make the first one achievable in one year, and also have some backup plans in case the hottest idea fails," Marshall suggests.
It's also important to be realistic about start-up packages. In interviewing a top prospect, Michael P. Doyle, chemistry professor at the University of Maryland, notes that although the research plan was excellent, the requested start-up costs were unreasonable.
When Doyle asked for a list of start-up costs, "the candidate reached into a folder and handed me a list whose bottom line exceeded any reasonable deliverable," he explains. "Obviously, the list had been prepared in consultation at the current institution without regard to what was available at Maryland and actual needs for a developing program." Doyle adds that they did make this candidate an offer with a revised start-up package, but he did not accept it.
Tip 9: Be your own person. It's important to remember that institutions are looking to hire you, not your mentor. "Demonstrate that you are not a clone of your research mentors with regard to your research ideas," Hoffman says. "Independence of creative thinking is sought in the world of academic scholarship."
Showing that you are a good researcher is also important to being your own person. "I can recall a particularly memorable seminar by a junior faculty candidate in the area of total synthesis," says Cynthia J. Burrows, chemistry professor at the University of Utah. "The candidate described numerous different synthetic routes—some quite elegant," she explains.
"But every one of them seemed to fail at the penultimate step, necessitating a completely new approach that essentially started over at the beginning," she says. Although she notes that he learned from these failures, it would have been nice to share some successes and end the presentation on a high note.
Tip 10: Always come prepared. In addition to knowing the details of past, current, and proposed research cold, it may not be a bad idea to bring along a granola bar.
ACS's assistant director of the Department of Career Management & Development, David E. Harwell, tells C&EN of an experience he had when interviewing for his previous academic position at the University of Hawaii. Harwell, who was traveling from mainland U.S. to Hawaii, arrived late in the evening. He was picked up by his host, who was going to take him to get something to eat, but as it turned out, it was a local holiday and everything was closed.
Harwell ended up staring down a pack of peanut butter crackers in the hotel vending machine. After scraping together some change, he was able to buy them. His experience shows that it never hurts to carry spare change.
Changing Times
Evolving The Doctorate Carnegie initiative inspires reshaping of Ph.D. programs to fit modern times.
Maternity Leave For Graduate Students.
Lofty Goals
Describing The Doctorate.
Passport To Science Once outnumbered by humanities majors, science students are now studying abroad in force.
Global Science Corps
Program provides opportunities for established scientists to do research in developing countries.
Virtual Help
Study Abroad Web Resources.
No Substitute For Experience Chemical engineering students at all levels can benefit from 'learn and earn' opportunities.
10 Tips To Help You Get A Faculty Job Faculty from around the country share stories to help candidates 'ace' the interview process.
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2006 American Chemical Society
September 4, 2006 Volume 84, Number 36 pp. 102-104
10 Tips To Help You Get A Faculty Job
Faculty from around the country share stories to help candidates 'ace' the interview process
Susan R. Morrissey
Every year, numerous graduate students and postdocs carefully prepare their CVs, scour the classified ads looking for open academic faculty positions, and apply to those in their areas of expertise. For a lucky few, their application results in an on-campus interview and an opportunity to wow the hiring institution.
Getty Image
Nerve-Racking Earning a faculty position is not without stress.
Although preparing a knockout CV, blanketing institutions with applications, and waiting to hear about a job prospect are stressful pursuits, the campus interview presents a unique challenge. After all, candidates have only a day or two to convince a panel of established professors that they are up to the task of leading a research project, teaching various courses, and being a valued colleague.
Navigating the interviewing process takes some practice, but there are several things that candidates can do (or avoid doing) to increase their chances of succeeding. To help shed some light for first-time candidates on the dos and don'ts of academic faculty interviewing, C&EN asked several faculty members at large research universities around the country to share their advice based on stories about memorable interviews. The following are the top 10 tips offered by this group, in no particular order.
Tip 1: Use all available resources. It should come as no surprise that the more applications candidates send out, the greater their chances of getting a job. This wisdom holds true for all jobs, including those in academics. But in order to apply, candidates must first find an opening.
A candidate's academic mentor is often a great source of finding open positions in line with one's research interest. A common mistake made by students and postdocs, however, is assuming that their mentors can get them the job, points out Peter J. Stang, organic chemistry professor at the University of Utah. "A mentor can open doors, but the candidate must get the job," he says.
Tip 2: Spend some time learning about the faculty and the university you are visiting. Perhaps hiring a private investigator is going too far, but it's worthwhile to spend some time reading about the research interests of the department faculty and learning details about the university and its surrounding community.
"Not knowing some of the important scientific players in the department, whether the institution is public or private, and a little bit about the local history does not go over well," says Morton Z. Hoffman, chemistry professor emeritus at Boston University. For example, Hoffman notes that one of the candidates who interviewed in his department wasn't completely sure about the difference between Boston University and Boston College, leaving Hoffman to wonder if the candidate knew where he was that day.
Aside from simply knowing where you are, doing your homework on the faculty can come in handy. "One of my favorite anecdotes was when a candidate interviewed for a junior faculty position at Ohio State," says Alan G. Marshall, chemistry and biochemistry professor at Florida State University.
According to Marshall, the most renowned organic chemist in the department asked the candidate to justify the feasibility of one of the reactions in his proposal. "Without missing a beat, the candidate cited one of the faculty member's own publications as rationale," he says. The moral: Candidates should always prime themselves on the research of the faculty at the target institution.
Tip 3: Be polite, professional, and warm. It may seem obvious, but interviewing committees are looking for someone they can connect with and who will represent their department well. They want someone who is not only smart, but also friendly with at least some degree of social skills.
"One of my very good postdocs was having trouble with his interviews," explains Ronald Breslow, chemistry professor at Columbia University. After talking with his colleagues who took part in the interview, Breslow learned that his postdoc was "presenting his work and ideas with a reserved, cool manner."
Breslow worked with his postdoc to help him convey enthusiasm about his work, and after some practice, he was a "roaring success." Even though, as Breslow explains, his postdoc was then perceived as a bit "hyper," he was offered the job.
California Institute of Technology chemistry professor Harry B. Gray tells C&EN a similar story. Gray notes that it's often difficult to judge people in the short span of the interview, and sometimes brilliant people who are perceived as cold are ranked below others who may not be as accomplished professionally but come off well in the interview. The take-home message is to focus on connecting with the faculty in addition to showcasing your scientific knowledge.
Part of connecting with others involves social skills. "Although you can be forgiven for not knowing which fork to use in a multicourse dinner, don't be a boor who exhibits no evidence of any social graces," Hoffman says. "It might be helpful to know something about the world situation and local politics in the event that dinner conversation strays away from a discussion of your latest research result," he advises.
It's also important to be professional and to treat the interview seriously. While he was an organic chemistry professor at the University of South Florida, Douglas J. Raber, consultant with GreenPoint Science, tells C&EN that he once went to the airport to pick up a faculty candidate. As soon as the fellow landed, he asked how far it was to the Everglades. "We soon realized that he really had no interest in the position at USF, but he did want plane fare to visit Florida for a short vacation," Raber explains.
Tip 4: Use a mirror. Again, this may seem like common sense, but stories exist of candidates who gave presentations with their pants unzipped or food in their teeth. These simple faux pas can be distracting and cost a candidate a job offer.
"One candidate had neglected to cut the tacking on the vent in his new suit jacket," says Marcetta Y. Darensbourg, chemistry professor at Texas A&M University. "For some reason, the audience just couldn't focus on the chemistry, knowing that he could have been a little more with it," she notes.
Tip 5: Keep your presentation on target and on time. Aside from the standard presentation tips of not packing slides with lots of words and then reading them to the audience, many of the faculty contacted by C&EN stressed the importance of not running long during presentations.
LeRoy N. Sanchez/Los Alamos National Laboratory
Presenter Effective use of PowerPoint presentations is one key to navigating the interviewing process successfully.
"The candidate should have practiced his or her presentation for timing and content," Darensbourg advises. She recalls a presentation in which a candidate ran over the allotted time by 25 minutes. It was his first interview, she notes, adding that although everyone tends to give the candidates some leeway in their first interview, going too long reflected poorly on the candidate.
Underscoring this point, Hoffman says, "If your seminar is scheduled for a one-hour slot, plan your presentation for 45 minutes to allow for the fact that you are apt to be interrupted by questions and to leave plenty of time for discussion." He adds that "it's bad form to push the schedule so no one can ask questions," because the interviewing faculty might wonder if that was done deliberately.
"Nothing is more exasperating than a candidate who uses up all of his or her time trying to include every possible prior or proposed project and leaving no time for discussion," Marshall agrees. "The question-and-answer period is the best place for a candidate to show his or her ability to think on his or her feet and to demonstrate knowledge going beyond what is on the slide," he explains.
Tip 6: Don't be afraid to add some scientific theater to your presentation. Giving a presentation doesn't have to be a boring run-through of slides. In fact, Darensbourg says when she was interviewing for her position, she brought along a prop. "I carried with me a giant molecular structure that could be used to point out reaction spots, and it gave me a chance for eye contact with the audience as I explained it," she says. And, although PowerPoint presentations have become popular for their razzmatazz appeal, using a prop is still likely to be effective.
Scientific theater can also be brought into a presentation by including a mistake on one of the slides and correcting it during the presentation, notes Roald Hoffmann, chemistry professor at Cornell University. "This gives people the impression that this person is not just reading his or her slides, but that they're thinking as they're giving the talk," he points out.
Tip 7: Don't fake it. Although building in some scientific theater may be helpful, candidates should be careful not to go overboard. Stang tells C&EN that he sees a lot of young candidates using glitzy PowerPoint presentations. "A good PowerPoint is appreciated, but candidates must make sure the glitz doesn't overshadow the science," he cautions.
In the end, the interviewing faculty are looking for a candidate who knows his or her science. "Don't try to dazzle the interviewing committee," Hoffman notes. "Faculty, having dealt with students and colleagues for years, have seen it all, and can detect baloney and insincerity in a nanosecond."
Simply put, "if you don't know the answer to a question, say so-don't try to fake it," Marshall says. He adds that candidates should remember to keep answers to questions short and not to use them as an excuse to add several minutes to their presentation.
Tip 8: Work out the details. Developing a research proposal is not an easy task. It requires candidates to outline feasible research projects and provide some idea of the costs for doing the work. If either component is off, it could spell disaster.
Because no research proposal focuses on just one project, candidates should rank their proposed projects. "Make the first one achievable in one year, and also have some backup plans in case the hottest idea fails," Marshall suggests.
It's also important to be realistic about start-up packages. In interviewing a top prospect, Michael P. Doyle, chemistry professor at the University of Maryland, notes that although the research plan was excellent, the requested start-up costs were unreasonable.
When Doyle asked for a list of start-up costs, "the candidate reached into a folder and handed me a list whose bottom line exceeded any reasonable deliverable," he explains. "Obviously, the list had been prepared in consultation at the current institution without regard to what was available at Maryland and actual needs for a developing program." Doyle adds that they did make this candidate an offer with a revised start-up package, but he did not accept it.
Tip 9: Be your own person. It's important to remember that institutions are looking to hire you, not your mentor. "Demonstrate that you are not a clone of your research mentors with regard to your research ideas," Hoffman says. "Independence of creative thinking is sought in the world of academic scholarship."
Showing that you are a good researcher is also important to being your own person. "I can recall a particularly memorable seminar by a junior faculty candidate in the area of total synthesis," says Cynthia J. Burrows, chemistry professor at the University of Utah. "The candidate described numerous different synthetic routes—some quite elegant," she explains.
"But every one of them seemed to fail at the penultimate step, necessitating a completely new approach that essentially started over at the beginning," she says. Although she notes that he learned from these failures, it would have been nice to share some successes and end the presentation on a high note.
Tip 10: Always come prepared. In addition to knowing the details of past, current, and proposed research cold, it may not be a bad idea to bring along a granola bar.
ACS's assistant director of the Department of Career Management & Development, David E. Harwell, tells C&EN of an experience he had when interviewing for his previous academic position at the University of Hawaii. Harwell, who was traveling from mainland U.S. to Hawaii, arrived late in the evening. He was picked up by his host, who was going to take him to get something to eat, but as it turned out, it was a local holiday and everything was closed.
Harwell ended up staring down a pack of peanut butter crackers in the hotel vending machine. After scraping together some change, he was able to buy them. His experience shows that it never hurts to carry spare change.
Changing Times
Evolving The Doctorate Carnegie initiative inspires reshaping of Ph.D. programs to fit modern times.
Maternity Leave For Graduate Students.
Lofty Goals
Describing The Doctorate.
Passport To Science Once outnumbered by humanities majors, science students are now studying abroad in force.
Global Science Corps
Program provides opportunities for established scientists to do research in developing countries.
Virtual Help
Study Abroad Web Resources.
No Substitute For Experience Chemical engineering students at all levels can benefit from 'learn and earn' opportunities.
10 Tips To Help You Get A Faculty Job Faculty from around the country share stories to help candidates 'ace' the interview process.
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2006 American Chemical Society
Message from Nobel Laureates to Young People
Chemical Education International, Vol. 7, No. 1, AN-1, Received October 21, 2006
To the Youth of the World Who Aspire to a Career in Chemistry
Message from Nobel Laureates to Young People (5)
Professor Ryoji Noyori, 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Committee on Chemistry Education (CCE) of IUPAC edits and issues an electronic journal, Chemical Education International (CEI) (www.iupac.org/publications/ cei). For the benefit of those who aspire to a career in chemistry, each issue contains a short interview with a Nobel Laureate in chemistry. In this way, we hope to provide a profile of those who are at the forefront of chemistry and give aspiring chemists role models for their future endeavors.
The intended readership of the interviews published in CEI are senior high school students who are at a point in their life where they must make decisions about their future career, or first year university students in science and technology who must begin to specialize in a chosen field of study.
We are extremely grateful to Prof. Ryoji Noyori* for his appreciation of the idea of this series of interviews and for kindly sparing us his precious time.
This interview with Prof. Ryoji Noyori (left, on picture 1 above), by Prof. Yoshito Takeuchi and Prof. Masato M. Ito was carried out at the office of the President, RIKEN on March 16, 2005.
*The 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was shared jointly by Prof. Ryoji Noyori (Nagoya University), Dr. William S. Knowles (Monsanto Co.) and Prof. K. Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research Institute) by virtue of their achievement in catalytic asymmetric synthesis.
CEI: Chemical Education International
Prof. Yoshito Takeuchi (Titular member, CCE), Prof. M. M. Ito (Editor)
RN: Professor Ryoji Noyori
CEI: First, let me ask your background. Were there any special circumstances or a particular stimulus that led you to pursue a career in science?
RN: I was born in 1938 and I entered primary school in the year the Second World War ended. This period corresponds to a time in Japanese history when the country was in an economically difficult situation, and also in a state of confusion. This might have made a difference between me and Japanese children of my era with children who grew up in other countries. I suppose my desire to become a scientist was fostered in such an atmosphere.
My father was a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering, the Imperial University of Tokyo. After he graduated from the university he was employed by Kanegafuchi Spinning Company, and then Kanegafuchi Chemical Industrial Co. (now KANEKA) as a chemical engineer. So our house was full of chemical journals and technical books. In addition, there were samples of powdered polymers and fibers; in closets I could find beakers and flasks. This was the situation into which I was born and grew up.
The first cue to awaken in me a passion for science was the news that Prof. Hideki Yukawa was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1949. On this occasion I learned of the existence of the Nobel Prize. I was in the fifth grade at primary school. This news was very encouraging to Japanese people who were still suffering from postwar confusion.
CEI: I belong to much the same generation as yours. I also remember the impact of the news very vividly.
RN: Just after I was born, my father, accompanied by my mother, went to Europe to inspect research facilities there. He was lucky in that one of the passengers on the ship, the Yasukuni-maru, was a young Prof. Yukawa who was also going to Europe to attend the Solvey Congress. For one month my parents traveled on the ship and participated in dance parties and mahjong games. My father told me that Prof. Yukawa was asked to deliver a public lecture which turned out to be easy to follow though the topic was very difficult.
Soon after they arrived in Europe, the Second World War broke out. So my father had to return to Japan after visiting a couple of research institutes such as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. The return trip was via the U.S.A. on the ship the Kamakura-maru; on which Prof. Yukawa also traveled.
When Prof. Yukawa received the Nobel Prize in 1949, my parents retold the episodes of their trip almost every night when we were dining. For this reason I felt that I knew Prof. Yukawa personally, and I also thought that I would like to enter Kyoto University.
Photo 2 This photo was taken in Hawaii in 1939. The Kamakura-maru stopped at Hawaii on her way from San Francisco to Yokohama. Prof. Yukawa (2nd from left; 32 years old at that time), Mr. Kaneki Noyori (3rd; 28 years old) and Mrs. Suzuko Noyori (24 years old).
CEI: Tell us about your primary school life.
RN: My primary school was attached to the Department of Education, Kobe University, and located at the foot of Mt. Rokko, which is rich in nature. Our school was a kind of experimental school, and there were many splendid teachers who taught us with care. I remember there was no particular subject which I was fond of, but I could say that I enjoyed studying in general.
During my primary school days, my time was mostly spent with friends, playing baseball, and strolling forests and woods nearby, rather than study. In those days, as a matter of fact, there were no TV or computer games; probably only the phonograph was around then. It was also an economically difficult period, and parents were busy with their work. So, I was in a circle of brothers and friends.
CEI: You entered Nada Middle School and then Nada High School, which is one of the leading secondary education schools in Japan. What were your experiences like there?
RN: I remember it was during the spring break before I entered middle school when an event took place which influenced my future career very significantly. I call the event "the Nylon case". For some reason or other, my father took me to the announcement of the new product, nylon, by the Toyo Rayon Co. (now TORAY). I attended to the meeting as a sole child among many adults. The President of the company told the audience something to the effect that the amylan (nylon) could be prepared from coal, water and air. I was very impressed, knowing that expensive materials such as nylon could be produced from very cheap raw materials. I was surprised to learn the power of chemistry.
This event took place in the midst of the postwar confusion, when economic reconstruction was a kind of national target. Though I was a child, I felt that I should study chemistry hard and contribute to society by producing useful materials as a chemical engineer. I may say that this experience was the first incentive to become a chemist.
In Nada Middle School I was taught chemistry by Dr. Kazuo Nakamoto who later became a professor of chemistry in the U.S.A. He was then a lecturer at Osaka University and taught us at Nada Middle School as a special teacher. I remember he was extremely smart. Because of the Nylon case, chemistry was my favorite subject, and I studied chemistry eagerly. Mathematics was also a favorite subject of mine.
Photo 3 Prof. Noyori when he was a student at Nada High School.
CEI: Judging from your story, we could say that you had pursued a career as a chemist from your middle school years straight through.
RN: This is so, though I am not sure which is better; to go straight through or to take a broader, less direct path. As for me, I made up my mind in my childhood to become a chemist.
As for extracurricular activities, I learned Judo. I remember I was a very active and naughty boy, although sometimes I was a little timid. At the entrance examination for Nada Middle School, I became a little nervous, and I misunderstood a mathematics problem, which had made me worry very much. I thought boys should be strong and tough, and this was the reason why I joined to the Judo club. At that time (1951), Japanese traditional sports (martial arts) were not allowed. However, the school had a deep connection with KODOKAN, and Japanese traditional sports were quite popular in Nada School. The Judo club was one of the most active. I belonged to the Judo club until the end of the second year of high school, which means that I played Judo for five years at school.
CEI: Please tell us about school life at Nada High School.
RN: The Kobe First Middle School (now Kobe High School) was famous for its severe discipline. It was said that pupils had to eat their lunch, without sitting on their stool, while other pupils on duty cleaned the classroom. On rainy days, one pupil ate his lunch while the other held an umbrella. After the war, excellent teachers from Kobe First Middle School moved to Nada Middle and High Schools mostly because of changes made to the educational system.
Teachers at Nada Middle and High School were truly excellent. All-around education was the motto of the school. For instance, Mr. Masanori Maino, a mathematics teacher, taught us lots of things, such as Chinese poetry for example, other than mathematics during class. Teachers of other subjects also guided us in a similar manner. By simply attending classes, we could acquire enough knowledge to pass the entrance examination for Kyoto University.
CEI: Now tell us about your life in Kyoto University. We were most interested in the process by which you chose your research supervisor.
RN: I was attracted by the reputation of Prof. Ichiro Sakurada and this was the reason why I entered Kyoto University. In the first two years of general education, I must admit I was not very diligent. I joined the rugby football club though I was not a regular member. Drinking alcohol and having fun with friends were my main activity during this period.
Prof. Sakurada belonged to the Department of Fiber Chemistry, while I was a student of Department of Industrial Chemistry. There were, however, several lectures common to both departments.
When I became a third year student, I began study in my major. Because I had not been very diligent, the initial stage was rather tough for me. I did like experiments though, and took the initiative to carry out experiments. I joined the group of Prof. Keiiti Sisido for the graduate research program. Prof. Sisido was very fond of baseball, and he was an elderly gentleman with many hobbies. He taught us in very nice way.
At that time there were not so many students who continued their study in the graduate school, but I began to think about further study at graduate school because I was then regretting somewhat my laziness in the initial stage of university life. I asked Prof. Sisido to accept me as a graduate student, telling him that I would like to study chemistry from the beginning. Prof. Sisido accepted and told me that I would be supervised by Associate Professor Hitosi Nozaki, who was known to be most strict with students.
I bowed to Prof. Nozaki, adding, "I am very immature, but I will try my best. Please supervise me." and I was accepted.
In his office a large number of abstracts of papers was neatly filed. Prof. Nozaki told me that I could read any of these I chose. It was only me who was allowed to use these. He supervised me very closely, and I studied very hard so that I could meet his demands. Gradually I realized there was nothing more interesting than chemistry and I became absorbed in it. Though my knowledge was limited, I had the vitality and health to compensate for this lack of experience. At least twice a week I did overnight experiments. I was really serious and intense. It was indeed the union of a bright professor and an average student! Life is indeed incomprehensible!
As for the topic of my research, Prof. Nozaki wanted me to help him with his study on the mechanism of organic reactions, especially on reaction intermediates. In those days we were not equipped with sophisticated instruments to prove the structure of the intermediates. What we could do then was just to imagine the structures in your mind.
Thanks to these experiences I mastered the fundamentals of organic chemistry, and established a way to think problems through in a thorough manner. Later, when I was investigating the chemistry of catalysts, I noticed that the power of thinking and the methodology I obtained in Nozaki's laboratory were very useful in developing new systems of catalysts. I could imagine something that no one had ever thought of.
CEI: You then began to investigate your main theme, asymmetric synthesis.
RN: A turning point in my career as a chemist was my appointment as an assistant, a junior faculty member. I intended to continue my study to obtain a higher degree after I finished my research for the MS degree. Then Professor Nozaki was promoted to full professor and intended to organize a new research group. Prof. Nozaki wanted me to be his assistant instead of continuing on with graduate study. My original intention was to obtain a PhD and then to enter the chemical industry as a senior industrial chemist. I was, however, persuaded by him, and finally accepted his offer.
Photo 4 At Kyoto University with young students.
Prof. Nozaki (standing) and Prof. Noyori (2nd from right) (1964).
The theme of my research was the study of carbenes, which are short-lived reaction intermediates. Carbenes, which are generated by thermolysis or photolysis of diazoalkanes, can exist in triplet or singlet forms with the reaction proceeding non-selectively.
It was already known that if one adds some copper compound during decomposition the reaction proceeds smoothly and selectively as the singlet. Some investigators attempted to explain this behavior by a physical phenomenon such as spin relaxation. I guessed, however, that a chemical bond might be formed between the carbene and copper.
How could I confirm my hypothesis? I thought that if we use a chiral (optically active) copper catalyst, the product of the reaction between carbenes and alkenes, a cyclopropane derivative, might be optically active.
One day we combined an optically active Schiff base with copper ion, and used this complex as the catalyst. If an optically active cyclopropane derivative would be formed, this would prove that a complex between copper and the carbene :CHCOOC2H5 was formed. With this assumption, we started the reaction.
Fig. 1 (new page) Formation of cyclopropane derivatives from alkenes and carbenes
Two nights' work was necessary to obtain enough sample to measure its optical rotation. Though the work was tough, I vividly remember the elation I felt when we found that the expected results were obtained.
CEI: Were you already aiming in your mind at asymmetric synthesis?
RN: Not at all. This experiment was aimed to prove the existence of the complex between carbene and copper ion. I hadn't yet thought of asymmetric synthesis at that time.
The result was submitted to the Journal of American Chemical Society, but was rejected. We had to accept their decision since the optical yield was only ca. 10 %. The paper was later accepted by Tetrahedron Letters to our satisfaction.
I immediately realized that what we had obtained was the general principle of asymmetric catalytic reactions. The asymmetric catalytic reactions was the first step in the challenge of Pasteur's principle, "Dissymmetry is the only and distinct boundary between biological and non-biological chemistry."
CEI: In a word, it was an attempt to challenge nature, was it?
RN: Indeed, exactly so. What I aimed at was not "catalysts as they are", but "catalysts as we want them to be." We believed that it should, in principle, be possible to design and synthesize any compound. My idea was to incorporate appropriate electronic and steric effects into molecules and to use them as catalysts. This was in 1966. Around that time, although some homogeneous catalysts such as metal carbonyls were known, the notion of molecular catalysts which would make use of the characteristics of molecules was not yet developed.
CEI: How you could succeed in the challenge to Pasteur?
RN: After this I moved to Nagoya University, but there were campus troubles at that time and I was allowed to study abroad at Harvard University with Prof. E. J. Corey*1 as my supervisor during this period. There I encountered hydrogenation reactions.
The reason why the asymmetric catalytic reaction was not highly estimated was the low optical yield of the reaction. Furthermore, the formation of a cyclopropane ring was a special reaction without the possibility of wider use at that time. I thought that I had to devise a reaction that was more general and with a higher optical yield.
The project given to me by Prof. Corey was to investigate the hydrogenation of an intermediate necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandin. It was necessary to hydrogenate selectively the cis double bond of a compound which also had a trans double bond. I became friendly with Assistant Prof. J. A. Osborn, the former student of Prof. G. Wilkinson*2. We talked everyday, and I attended his lectures on inorganic chemistry. Mr. R. R. Schrock,*3 one of his students, once gave me a newly synthesizd rhodium catalyst.
*1 Corey, professor of Harvard University, U. S. A. Received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1990 for his contribution to organic synthesis.
*2 Wilkinson, professor of Imperial College, London, U. K. received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1973 for his contribution to the chemistry of organometallic compounds.
*3 Schrock received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005. Now Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Just at that time, Dr. W. S. Knowles, with whom I later received the Nobel Prize, and Prof. L. Horner discovered asymmetric hydrogenation. The optical yield was about 10% and hence the significance was not very great from the viewpoint of synthetic chemistry. This was the second example of asymmetric synthesis by means of an organometallic molecular catalyst. I believed that the reaction should be developed, and made up my mind to continue investigating asymmetric synthesis.
(Asymmetric synthesis is a synthetic reaction in which unequal amounts of (+)- and (-)-enantiomers are formed. If one enantiomer is formed in a 100 % yield then the reaction is called perfectly enantioselective. See reaction schema)
Photo 5 The Nobel Prize diploma awarded to Prof. Noyori.
Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2001
I returned to Japan and was so involved in so many things that it was difficult for me to start research on asymmetric synthesis. Prof. H. B. Kagan and Dr. Knowles advanced their research into asymmetric hydrogenation and Monsanto Co. successfully developed the industrial synthesis of L-DOPA. (DOPA = 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)
Fig. 2 The structure of DOPA. L-DOPA is the left-handed enantiomer.
I was unable, however, to even start my research along these lines. Many chemists thought that there was not much left to be investigated in the field of asymmetric hydrogenation, but it turned out in contrast that the study had only just begun.
When I started my research on asymmetric hydrogenation, I made up my mind to achieve a perfect asymmetric synthesis. For this purpose I chose a compound called BINAP. (BINAP = 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl)
I was enchanted by the beauty of the structure of BINAP. Any chemist can appreciate its beauty if one draws its structure.
CEI: Indeed. We can say that splendid functions come from beautiful structures.
RN: I believe so. The dictum of the "Bauhaus" movement of Germany tells the truth. "The beauty of that molecule is brilliant". I started research on this molecule from 1974. We encountered a series of difficulties, and many Japanese and foreign chemists withdrew from such study. In 1980, we finally managed to publish a paper on the asymmetric synthesis of amino acids based on the BINAP chemistry. One of my coworkers on this project was the late Prof. Hidemasa Takaya who was at the Institute of Molecular Science and Kyoto University. Sadly, he passed away in 1994 while he was on a lecture tour in Germany.
Fig. 3 The structure of BINAP.
Notably, as we continued the study, it became clear that the complex of rhodium (Rh) and BINAP as catalyst was the worst possible combination in view of the reaction mechanism. The result looked nice since nearly a 100 % enantiomeric excess was obtained. However, this result was beside the point as Prof. J. Halpern pointed out. The hydrogenation reaction proceeded via complexes between the BINAP-Rh catalyst and an alkene substrate. Two equilibrating intermediates were formed; one was the major, favored complex and the other a minor isomer. The point is that the minor intermediate was more reactive and gave the desired enantiomeric isomer, whereas the major complex was less reactive to result in the wrong enantiomeric product. BINAP is very selective, and only the main complex could be observed using NMR. This complex was, however, not very reactive, and its minor isomer, which was not detectable by NMR, was active. This meant that a very strict control of the reaction condition was required to form the necessary minor complex. How you could form in sufficient quantity a compound which was hardly detectable? The suitable reaction condition was obtainable only with a very dilute solution and under a reduced pressure. Two years were necessary to find that appropriate reaction condition.
Nevertheless, the BINAP-Rh complex became famous not because of asymmetric hydrogenation, but because of its successful application to the asymmetric synthesis of menthol which was carried out in a joint collaboration with Prof. Otsuka's group (Osaka University) and Takasago International Corporation.
The turning point which allowed us to conquer the difficulty involved in the asymmetric hydrogenation was achieved when we changed the metal from Rh to ruthenium (Ru). With the aid of this new complex, the asymmetric hydrogenation of a variety of alkenes became possible, and a new dimension to asymmetric hydrogenation opened up. It was 1986 when the first report of that attempt was published. More than ten years had passed since the synthesis of L-DOPA by Monsanto Co., but our findings opened up a whole new dimension to the study of asymmetric hydrogenation. At present, the BINAP-Ru complex has been employed in numerous fields of study. It is now possible to asymmetrically hydrogenate a variety of C=C and C=O bonds, and the technique has been widely applied to industrial synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. The key was the unique reaction fields provided by BINAP.
CEI: Was the competition hard?
RN: Not necessarily. The essence of research is how to reply to the questions cast by chemistry. Hence I did not care at all about competition with other chemists.
CEI: Anyway, you solved the problem successfully. How did you achieve success?
RN: There were two problems to be solved in asymmetric hydrogenation. One was how to achieve high ratios of (+)-enantiomer to (-)-enantiomer as close as possible to 100:0. This could be solved by designing the shape of the catalyst. This success attracted considerable attention.
The second problem was more important. How could one make the reaction rate higher; in other words, how could the activation energy of the reaction be lowered? The catalytic reaction is multi-step in general. Which step should be accelerated? The prediction was very difficult and not all chemists could do that. One has to use insight to "see" what could not be seen by experiments. Without belief supported by rationality one could not achieve that.
Not many chemists have attempted to solve rationally such a problem. People tend to rely upon luck! There are many chemists in this field who are satisfied with imitating or modifying what has been discovered by other pionieers. In this regards, the competition with myself, or rather, with nature or the system of chemistry, was severe. I hardly paid any attention to competition with other chemists, but rather I relied upon my belief, and continued study, always thinking of a way to prove my hypothesis. This is most amusing!
Fig. 4 The characteristic asymmetric structure of BINAP is due to the twist of two naphthalene rings from the coplanar structure. For simplicity, the Kekulé structure (a) and a molecular model (b) of binaphthyl, which consists of two naphthalene rings. The Kekulé structure seems to indicate that the molecule has a planar structure. In fact, two naphthalene rings are largely twisted because of the repulsion between two hydrogen atoms indicated by arrows. A pair of enantiomers will be obtained depending on whether the twist is clockwise or anti-clockwise. In the case of the BINAP-Rh complex, the angle of twist is 74.4o.
CEI: What we have heard is really very valuable and useful for young people. The way you carry out research seems to have been influenced by the training you had received in Kyoto University concerning your research on reactive intermediates.
By the way, how did you come to change the metal you used for the complex?
RN: It was already discovered by Wilkinson and others that Ru as well as Rh could cleave hydrogen molecules and might be suitable for the hydrogenation catalyst. Famous chemists such as Kagan and Knowles had already obtained excellent results using Rh catalysts. Hence many chemists were tempted by these findings to study Rh.
Science itself is objective. The research is done, however, by scientists. I have understood over a long period of study that research is strongly influenced by the mindset of scientists.
Fig. 5 (new page) Changes over time to catalysts used in asymmetric hydrogenation. All these catalysts are useful depending on the structures of substrates.
CEI: Can you tell us about some lessons you have learned over your long research career that might be helpful to young people.
RN: After more than thirty years' studying hydrogenation, I realized that "fact is the enemy of truth". This is the dialog of Don Quixote in the musical "Man of La Mancha" written by Dale Wasserman. Facts are valid only under limited conditions while the truth is something general that is behind the facts. The facts known when we initiated the study of hydrogenation were scientifically correct at that time, but it was only a very small part of the world of asymmetric hydrogenation. The truth about asymmetric hydrogenation is very deep and expansive.
What chemists in the 1970s were doing was something like a "dot". I felt I could make that "dot" into a "line". Yet it remains as a line. The principles and possibilities of chemistry might be extended to a "plane" or even to a three-dimensional world. Facts should be respected as facts, but we should not just accept facts which are limiting and thereby overlook the great truth behind facts. Otherwise development of science will be retarded. You should consider alternative possibilities and think carefully about your work.
CEI: This is really the crucial point. We tend to be satisfied when we feel we have identified the facts. It is difficult to go on further from this point.
By the way, there is a worldwide concern that young people are not interested in science in general, and in chemistry in particular. Can you provide a personal message for aspiring chemists?
RN: The world of science will expand infinitely. However, scientific research today tends to be too special and fragmental. What is needed of science is 'generality'; that all fields are combined into one universal science. So far scientists have not been particularly eager for this. Scientists must have a wider view of nature. As I have said before, scientists must make a line from a point, expand to a plane from a line and then design and construct a space. Chemistry is a science of matter and is the basis of modern civilization. Generality is particularly important for chemistry.
I like to advise young people that though the role of chemistry is the synthesis of materials, it should not remain its only role. Chemistry should open new fields or create new fields. There have been a large number of scientific/technological developments across many fields of science. In chemistry, technical advances that have had large ripple effects did not merely involve the synthesis of materials, but the creation of new fields of thought.
Sure, the synthesis of matter is important, but chemists should consider how new materials affect our society. If chemistry is satisfied simply with the synthesis of materials, then chemistry will be subordinate to other technologies, which would indeed be a pity!
The National Academy of Engineering (USA) ranked the 20th century as the century of technological innovation, and selected twenty great technological achievements. The greatest innovation they considered to be electricity, the others being automobiles, airplanes, water supply, electronics, radio and television, mechanization of agriculture, computers, telephones, air-conditioning and freezing, highways, space ships, the Internet, imaging, electrification of housework, medicine, petroleum and petroleum chemistry, laser and optical fibers, atomic power and high-functional materials.
The list clearly indicates the great contribution of chemistry. We can also see that most of these items are innovations of new fields when considered as social technologies. Cellular phones provide a good example. These are composites of materials, but create an innovation and change society. It is important to carry out research with such an idea in view, and to design the system for research.
CEI: I am afraid that it is rather difficult, under the present educational system, for young people to grow up with such a wide perspective. Perhaps you have some advice for schoolteachers that might be useful.
RN: I expect teachers will understand the reason why human beings devote time to science, and convey this point to their students. Scientists devote themselves to science not because of bread, but because science will bring them spiritual fulfillment.
I was enchanted by the beauty of the logic of science, and have tried to do what is important and fundamental. I also expect that if the results of my study will be useful to many fields of science, and furthermore, to society, then I should be pleased. Basically I did science for the sake of spiritual fulfillment and the realization of my hopes. To achieve this, both sensibility and intelligence are necessary. I hope people will cultivate these virtues when they are young.
Fig 6 The telephone card produced in tribute to the Nobel Prize awarded to Prof. Noyori. He loved the beautiful structure of BINAP.
My motto is "Research should be fresh, simple and clear." I would advise young people to consider the way to promote science in the right direction, and tackle problems as legitimate and fundamental as possible.
CEI: The challenge to solve legitimate and fundamental problems is indeed a challenge to create a new field!
RN: From my forty years' experience as a researcher, I learned that a research project has its own lifetime. In most cases this is from twenty to thirty years. A new jump, making the results obtained thus far as the foundation for further expansion, is required when the project is fully grown.
I hope young people will try to find a project which will be widely developed and open a new field. If young people in their late twenties or early thirties could find such a project, they will become the core researchers in this field after twenty or thirty years. In this regard, it is not advisable to choose currently popular topics as your project. This is not interesting, anyway.
Photo 6 Prof. Noyori was enthusiastic about speaking with us for this interview series which has been put together for the benefit of young chemists.
When you tackle with a new project, at first you will be in a minority group. Originality tends to be a lonely existence. I hope young people will not fear loneliness. Rather, I hope they will be proud of it. There seems to be a kind of misunderstanding of the meaning of democracy; thus it tends to be accepted that the majority is mighty and correct while the minority is wrong. People tend to belong to the majority because it is safer. Such a tendency is by all means not good for science.
I hope that science teachers appreciate the wonder of science and teach it to children. A textbook is something like a jewel box. Teachers should master the textbooks and convey this inspiration.
CEI: There seems to be an increase in the number of high school teachers who have studied at graduate school. Such teachers have practical experience of research and can tell lively stories of their own experiences to students.
RN: Indeed, it is most important that teachers who have learned the wonder of science by themselves will share their experiences with students. One of the reasons why science is not so popular among young people is that science is treated much too objectively, which ends in disregard of the people involved. Humans are interested in humans. Einstein is an overwhelmingly famous scholar. Many people are enchanted by him not only because of his great scientific achievement but also because of his unique personality and physical features.
Scientific research is by all means human. I hope teachers will tell students about this aspect of science. One of the reasons for the lack of popularity of science is "the absence of humanity", at least in Japan. There are many people who like literature but do not like science. However, few people do not like literature. Most scientists like literature probably because human beings are always involved. I hope teachers who have good memories of research will make this point to their students.
CEI: Finally, can you send a message to young people who will read the transcript of this interview?
RN: So far scientists have pursued the truth about nature while engineers have solved practical problems faced by society. Hereafter scientists are expected to not only have specific abilities related to their research, but also have an ability to foretell the trends of future society. Both teachers and students should know and understand this point. The crucial point is to create and maintain a sustainable society for our offspring. Science and technology must contribute to this.
CEI: Thank you very much for your valuable comments.
Last modified 13.04.07
Chemical Education International, Vol. 7, No. 1, AN-1, Received October 21, 2006
To the Youth of the World Who Aspire to a Career in Chemistry
Message from Nobel Laureates to Young People (5)
Professor Ryoji Noyori, 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Committee on Chemistry Education (CCE) of IUPAC edits and issues an electronic journal, Chemical Education International (CEI) (www.iupac.org/publications/ cei). For the benefit of those who aspire to a career in chemistry, each issue contains a short interview with a Nobel Laureate in chemistry. In this way, we hope to provide a profile of those who are at the forefront of chemistry and give aspiring chemists role models for their future endeavors.
The intended readership of the interviews published in CEI are senior high school students who are at a point in their life where they must make decisions about their future career, or first year university students in science and technology who must begin to specialize in a chosen field of study.
We are extremely grateful to Prof. Ryoji Noyori* for his appreciation of the idea of this series of interviews and for kindly sparing us his precious time.
This interview with Prof. Ryoji Noyori (left, on picture 1 above), by Prof. Yoshito Takeuchi and Prof. Masato M. Ito was carried out at the office of the President, RIKEN on March 16, 2005.
*The 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was shared jointly by Prof. Ryoji Noyori (Nagoya University), Dr. William S. Knowles (Monsanto Co.) and Prof. K. Barry Sharpless (Scripps Research Institute) by virtue of their achievement in catalytic asymmetric synthesis.
CEI: Chemical Education International
Prof. Yoshito Takeuchi (Titular member, CCE), Prof. M. M. Ito (Editor)
RN: Professor Ryoji Noyori
CEI: First, let me ask your background. Were there any special circumstances or a particular stimulus that led you to pursue a career in science?
RN: I was born in 1938 and I entered primary school in the year the Second World War ended. This period corresponds to a time in Japanese history when the country was in an economically difficult situation, and also in a state of confusion. This might have made a difference between me and Japanese children of my era with children who grew up in other countries. I suppose my desire to become a scientist was fostered in such an atmosphere.
My father was a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering, the Imperial University of Tokyo. After he graduated from the university he was employed by Kanegafuchi Spinning Company, and then Kanegafuchi Chemical Industrial Co. (now KANEKA) as a chemical engineer. So our house was full of chemical journals and technical books. In addition, there were samples of powdered polymers and fibers; in closets I could find beakers and flasks. This was the situation into which I was born and grew up.
The first cue to awaken in me a passion for science was the news that Prof. Hideki Yukawa was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1949. On this occasion I learned of the existence of the Nobel Prize. I was in the fifth grade at primary school. This news was very encouraging to Japanese people who were still suffering from postwar confusion.
CEI: I belong to much the same generation as yours. I also remember the impact of the news very vividly.
RN: Just after I was born, my father, accompanied by my mother, went to Europe to inspect research facilities there. He was lucky in that one of the passengers on the ship, the Yasukuni-maru, was a young Prof. Yukawa who was also going to Europe to attend the Solvey Congress. For one month my parents traveled on the ship and participated in dance parties and mahjong games. My father told me that Prof. Yukawa was asked to deliver a public lecture which turned out to be easy to follow though the topic was very difficult.
Soon after they arrived in Europe, the Second World War broke out. So my father had to return to Japan after visiting a couple of research institutes such as the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. The return trip was via the U.S.A. on the ship the Kamakura-maru; on which Prof. Yukawa also traveled.
When Prof. Yukawa received the Nobel Prize in 1949, my parents retold the episodes of their trip almost every night when we were dining. For this reason I felt that I knew Prof. Yukawa personally, and I also thought that I would like to enter Kyoto University.
Photo 2 This photo was taken in Hawaii in 1939. The Kamakura-maru stopped at Hawaii on her way from San Francisco to Yokohama. Prof. Yukawa (2nd from left; 32 years old at that time), Mr. Kaneki Noyori (3rd; 28 years old) and Mrs. Suzuko Noyori (24 years old).
CEI: Tell us about your primary school life.
RN: My primary school was attached to the Department of Education, Kobe University, and located at the foot of Mt. Rokko, which is rich in nature. Our school was a kind of experimental school, and there were many splendid teachers who taught us with care. I remember there was no particular subject which I was fond of, but I could say that I enjoyed studying in general.
During my primary school days, my time was mostly spent with friends, playing baseball, and strolling forests and woods nearby, rather than study. In those days, as a matter of fact, there were no TV or computer games; probably only the phonograph was around then. It was also an economically difficult period, and parents were busy with their work. So, I was in a circle of brothers and friends.
CEI: You entered Nada Middle School and then Nada High School, which is one of the leading secondary education schools in Japan. What were your experiences like there?
RN: I remember it was during the spring break before I entered middle school when an event took place which influenced my future career very significantly. I call the event "the Nylon case". For some reason or other, my father took me to the announcement of the new product, nylon, by the Toyo Rayon Co. (now TORAY). I attended to the meeting as a sole child among many adults. The President of the company told the audience something to the effect that the amylan (nylon) could be prepared from coal, water and air. I was very impressed, knowing that expensive materials such as nylon could be produced from very cheap raw materials. I was surprised to learn the power of chemistry.
This event took place in the midst of the postwar confusion, when economic reconstruction was a kind of national target. Though I was a child, I felt that I should study chemistry hard and contribute to society by producing useful materials as a chemical engineer. I may say that this experience was the first incentive to become a chemist.
In Nada Middle School I was taught chemistry by Dr. Kazuo Nakamoto who later became a professor of chemistry in the U.S.A. He was then a lecturer at Osaka University and taught us at Nada Middle School as a special teacher. I remember he was extremely smart. Because of the Nylon case, chemistry was my favorite subject, and I studied chemistry eagerly. Mathematics was also a favorite subject of mine.
Photo 3 Prof. Noyori when he was a student at Nada High School.
CEI: Judging from your story, we could say that you had pursued a career as a chemist from your middle school years straight through.
RN: This is so, though I am not sure which is better; to go straight through or to take a broader, less direct path. As for me, I made up my mind in my childhood to become a chemist.
As for extracurricular activities, I learned Judo. I remember I was a very active and naughty boy, although sometimes I was a little timid. At the entrance examination for Nada Middle School, I became a little nervous, and I misunderstood a mathematics problem, which had made me worry very much. I thought boys should be strong and tough, and this was the reason why I joined to the Judo club. At that time (1951), Japanese traditional sports (martial arts) were not allowed. However, the school had a deep connection with KODOKAN, and Japanese traditional sports were quite popular in Nada School. The Judo club was one of the most active. I belonged to the Judo club until the end of the second year of high school, which means that I played Judo for five years at school.
CEI: Please tell us about school life at Nada High School.
RN: The Kobe First Middle School (now Kobe High School) was famous for its severe discipline. It was said that pupils had to eat their lunch, without sitting on their stool, while other pupils on duty cleaned the classroom. On rainy days, one pupil ate his lunch while the other held an umbrella. After the war, excellent teachers from Kobe First Middle School moved to Nada Middle and High Schools mostly because of changes made to the educational system.
Teachers at Nada Middle and High School were truly excellent. All-around education was the motto of the school. For instance, Mr. Masanori Maino, a mathematics teacher, taught us lots of things, such as Chinese poetry for example, other than mathematics during class. Teachers of other subjects also guided us in a similar manner. By simply attending classes, we could acquire enough knowledge to pass the entrance examination for Kyoto University.
CEI: Now tell us about your life in Kyoto University. We were most interested in the process by which you chose your research supervisor.
RN: I was attracted by the reputation of Prof. Ichiro Sakurada and this was the reason why I entered Kyoto University. In the first two years of general education, I must admit I was not very diligent. I joined the rugby football club though I was not a regular member. Drinking alcohol and having fun with friends were my main activity during this period.
Prof. Sakurada belonged to the Department of Fiber Chemistry, while I was a student of Department of Industrial Chemistry. There were, however, several lectures common to both departments.
When I became a third year student, I began study in my major. Because I had not been very diligent, the initial stage was rather tough for me. I did like experiments though, and took the initiative to carry out experiments. I joined the group of Prof. Keiiti Sisido for the graduate research program. Prof. Sisido was very fond of baseball, and he was an elderly gentleman with many hobbies. He taught us in very nice way.
At that time there were not so many students who continued their study in the graduate school, but I began to think about further study at graduate school because I was then regretting somewhat my laziness in the initial stage of university life. I asked Prof. Sisido to accept me as a graduate student, telling him that I would like to study chemistry from the beginning. Prof. Sisido accepted and told me that I would be supervised by Associate Professor Hitosi Nozaki, who was known to be most strict with students.
I bowed to Prof. Nozaki, adding, "I am very immature, but I will try my best. Please supervise me." and I was accepted.
In his office a large number of abstracts of papers was neatly filed. Prof. Nozaki told me that I could read any of these I chose. It was only me who was allowed to use these. He supervised me very closely, and I studied very hard so that I could meet his demands. Gradually I realized there was nothing more interesting than chemistry and I became absorbed in it. Though my knowledge was limited, I had the vitality and health to compensate for this lack of experience. At least twice a week I did overnight experiments. I was really serious and intense. It was indeed the union of a bright professor and an average student! Life is indeed incomprehensible!
As for the topic of my research, Prof. Nozaki wanted me to help him with his study on the mechanism of organic reactions, especially on reaction intermediates. In those days we were not equipped with sophisticated instruments to prove the structure of the intermediates. What we could do then was just to imagine the structures in your mind.
Thanks to these experiences I mastered the fundamentals of organic chemistry, and established a way to think problems through in a thorough manner. Later, when I was investigating the chemistry of catalysts, I noticed that the power of thinking and the methodology I obtained in Nozaki's laboratory were very useful in developing new systems of catalysts. I could imagine something that no one had ever thought of.
CEI: You then began to investigate your main theme, asymmetric synthesis.
RN: A turning point in my career as a chemist was my appointment as an assistant, a junior faculty member. I intended to continue my study to obtain a higher degree after I finished my research for the MS degree. Then Professor Nozaki was promoted to full professor and intended to organize a new research group. Prof. Nozaki wanted me to be his assistant instead of continuing on with graduate study. My original intention was to obtain a PhD and then to enter the chemical industry as a senior industrial chemist. I was, however, persuaded by him, and finally accepted his offer.
Photo 4 At Kyoto University with young students.
Prof. Nozaki (standing) and Prof. Noyori (2nd from right) (1964).
The theme of my research was the study of carbenes, which are short-lived reaction intermediates. Carbenes, which are generated by thermolysis or photolysis of diazoalkanes, can exist in triplet or singlet forms with the reaction proceeding non-selectively.
It was already known that if one adds some copper compound during decomposition the reaction proceeds smoothly and selectively as the singlet. Some investigators attempted to explain this behavior by a physical phenomenon such as spin relaxation. I guessed, however, that a chemical bond might be formed between the carbene and copper.
How could I confirm my hypothesis? I thought that if we use a chiral (optically active) copper catalyst, the product of the reaction between carbenes and alkenes, a cyclopropane derivative, might be optically active.
One day we combined an optically active Schiff base with copper ion, and used this complex as the catalyst. If an optically active cyclopropane derivative would be formed, this would prove that a complex between copper and the carbene :CHCOOC2H5 was formed. With this assumption, we started the reaction.
Fig. 1 (new page) Formation of cyclopropane derivatives from alkenes and carbenes
Two nights' work was necessary to obtain enough sample to measure its optical rotation. Though the work was tough, I vividly remember the elation I felt when we found that the expected results were obtained.
CEI: Were you already aiming in your mind at asymmetric synthesis?
RN: Not at all. This experiment was aimed to prove the existence of the complex between carbene and copper ion. I hadn't yet thought of asymmetric synthesis at that time.
The result was submitted to the Journal of American Chemical Society, but was rejected. We had to accept their decision since the optical yield was only ca. 10 %. The paper was later accepted by Tetrahedron Letters to our satisfaction.
I immediately realized that what we had obtained was the general principle of asymmetric catalytic reactions. The asymmetric catalytic reactions was the first step in the challenge of Pasteur's principle, "Dissymmetry is the only and distinct boundary between biological and non-biological chemistry."
CEI: In a word, it was an attempt to challenge nature, was it?
RN: Indeed, exactly so. What I aimed at was not "catalysts as they are", but "catalysts as we want them to be." We believed that it should, in principle, be possible to design and synthesize any compound. My idea was to incorporate appropriate electronic and steric effects into molecules and to use them as catalysts. This was in 1966. Around that time, although some homogeneous catalysts such as metal carbonyls were known, the notion of molecular catalysts which would make use of the characteristics of molecules was not yet developed.
CEI: How you could succeed in the challenge to Pasteur?
RN: After this I moved to Nagoya University, but there were campus troubles at that time and I was allowed to study abroad at Harvard University with Prof. E. J. Corey*1 as my supervisor during this period. There I encountered hydrogenation reactions.
The reason why the asymmetric catalytic reaction was not highly estimated was the low optical yield of the reaction. Furthermore, the formation of a cyclopropane ring was a special reaction without the possibility of wider use at that time. I thought that I had to devise a reaction that was more general and with a higher optical yield.
The project given to me by Prof. Corey was to investigate the hydrogenation of an intermediate necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandin. It was necessary to hydrogenate selectively the cis double bond of a compound which also had a trans double bond. I became friendly with Assistant Prof. J. A. Osborn, the former student of Prof. G. Wilkinson*2. We talked everyday, and I attended his lectures on inorganic chemistry. Mr. R. R. Schrock,*3 one of his students, once gave me a newly synthesizd rhodium catalyst.
*1 Corey, professor of Harvard University, U. S. A. Received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1990 for his contribution to organic synthesis.
*2 Wilkinson, professor of Imperial College, London, U. K. received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1973 for his contribution to the chemistry of organometallic compounds.
*3 Schrock received Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2005. Now Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Just at that time, Dr. W. S. Knowles, with whom I later received the Nobel Prize, and Prof. L. Horner discovered asymmetric hydrogenation. The optical yield was about 10% and hence the significance was not very great from the viewpoint of synthetic chemistry. This was the second example of asymmetric synthesis by means of an organometallic molecular catalyst. I believed that the reaction should be developed, and made up my mind to continue investigating asymmetric synthesis.
(Asymmetric synthesis is a synthetic reaction in which unequal amounts of (+)- and (-)-enantiomers are formed. If one enantiomer is formed in a 100 % yield then the reaction is called perfectly enantioselective. See reaction schema)
Photo 5 The Nobel Prize diploma awarded to Prof. Noyori.
Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2001
I returned to Japan and was so involved in so many things that it was difficult for me to start research on asymmetric synthesis. Prof. H. B. Kagan and Dr. Knowles advanced their research into asymmetric hydrogenation and Monsanto Co. successfully developed the industrial synthesis of L-DOPA. (DOPA = 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine)
Fig. 2 The structure of DOPA. L-DOPA is the left-handed enantiomer.
I was unable, however, to even start my research along these lines. Many chemists thought that there was not much left to be investigated in the field of asymmetric hydrogenation, but it turned out in contrast that the study had only just begun.
When I started my research on asymmetric hydrogenation, I made up my mind to achieve a perfect asymmetric synthesis. For this purpose I chose a compound called BINAP. (BINAP = 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl)
I was enchanted by the beauty of the structure of BINAP. Any chemist can appreciate its beauty if one draws its structure.
CEI: Indeed. We can say that splendid functions come from beautiful structures.
RN: I believe so. The dictum of the "Bauhaus" movement of Germany tells the truth. "The beauty of that molecule is brilliant". I started research on this molecule from 1974. We encountered a series of difficulties, and many Japanese and foreign chemists withdrew from such study. In 1980, we finally managed to publish a paper on the asymmetric synthesis of amino acids based on the BINAP chemistry. One of my coworkers on this project was the late Prof. Hidemasa Takaya who was at the Institute of Molecular Science and Kyoto University. Sadly, he passed away in 1994 while he was on a lecture tour in Germany.
Fig. 3 The structure of BINAP.
Notably, as we continued the study, it became clear that the complex of rhodium (Rh) and BINAP as catalyst was the worst possible combination in view of the reaction mechanism. The result looked nice since nearly a 100 % enantiomeric excess was obtained. However, this result was beside the point as Prof. J. Halpern pointed out. The hydrogenation reaction proceeded via complexes between the BINAP-Rh catalyst and an alkene substrate. Two equilibrating intermediates were formed; one was the major, favored complex and the other a minor isomer. The point is that the minor intermediate was more reactive and gave the desired enantiomeric isomer, whereas the major complex was less reactive to result in the wrong enantiomeric product. BINAP is very selective, and only the main complex could be observed using NMR. This complex was, however, not very reactive, and its minor isomer, which was not detectable by NMR, was active. This meant that a very strict control of the reaction condition was required to form the necessary minor complex. How you could form in sufficient quantity a compound which was hardly detectable? The suitable reaction condition was obtainable only with a very dilute solution and under a reduced pressure. Two years were necessary to find that appropriate reaction condition.
Nevertheless, the BINAP-Rh complex became famous not because of asymmetric hydrogenation, but because of its successful application to the asymmetric synthesis of menthol which was carried out in a joint collaboration with Prof. Otsuka's group (Osaka University) and Takasago International Corporation.
The turning point which allowed us to conquer the difficulty involved in the asymmetric hydrogenation was achieved when we changed the metal from Rh to ruthenium (Ru). With the aid of this new complex, the asymmetric hydrogenation of a variety of alkenes became possible, and a new dimension to asymmetric hydrogenation opened up. It was 1986 when the first report of that attempt was published. More than ten years had passed since the synthesis of L-DOPA by Monsanto Co., but our findings opened up a whole new dimension to the study of asymmetric hydrogenation. At present, the BINAP-Ru complex has been employed in numerous fields of study. It is now possible to asymmetrically hydrogenate a variety of C=C and C=O bonds, and the technique has been widely applied to industrial synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. The key was the unique reaction fields provided by BINAP.
CEI: Was the competition hard?
RN: Not necessarily. The essence of research is how to reply to the questions cast by chemistry. Hence I did not care at all about competition with other chemists.
CEI: Anyway, you solved the problem successfully. How did you achieve success?
RN: There were two problems to be solved in asymmetric hydrogenation. One was how to achieve high ratios of (+)-enantiomer to (-)-enantiomer as close as possible to 100:0. This could be solved by designing the shape of the catalyst. This success attracted considerable attention.
The second problem was more important. How could one make the reaction rate higher; in other words, how could the activation energy of the reaction be lowered? The catalytic reaction is multi-step in general. Which step should be accelerated? The prediction was very difficult and not all chemists could do that. One has to use insight to "see" what could not be seen by experiments. Without belief supported by rationality one could not achieve that.
Not many chemists have attempted to solve rationally such a problem. People tend to rely upon luck! There are many chemists in this field who are satisfied with imitating or modifying what has been discovered by other pionieers. In this regards, the competition with myself, or rather, with nature or the system of chemistry, was severe. I hardly paid any attention to competition with other chemists, but rather I relied upon my belief, and continued study, always thinking of a way to prove my hypothesis. This is most amusing!
Fig. 4 The characteristic asymmetric structure of BINAP is due to the twist of two naphthalene rings from the coplanar structure. For simplicity, the Kekulé structure (a) and a molecular model (b) of binaphthyl, which consists of two naphthalene rings. The Kekulé structure seems to indicate that the molecule has a planar structure. In fact, two naphthalene rings are largely twisted because of the repulsion between two hydrogen atoms indicated by arrows. A pair of enantiomers will be obtained depending on whether the twist is clockwise or anti-clockwise. In the case of the BINAP-Rh complex, the angle of twist is 74.4o.
CEI: What we have heard is really very valuable and useful for young people. The way you carry out research seems to have been influenced by the training you had received in Kyoto University concerning your research on reactive intermediates.
By the way, how did you come to change the metal you used for the complex?
RN: It was already discovered by Wilkinson and others that Ru as well as Rh could cleave hydrogen molecules and might be suitable for the hydrogenation catalyst. Famous chemists such as Kagan and Knowles had already obtained excellent results using Rh catalysts. Hence many chemists were tempted by these findings to study Rh.
Science itself is objective. The research is done, however, by scientists. I have understood over a long period of study that research is strongly influenced by the mindset of scientists.
Fig. 5 (new page) Changes over time to catalysts used in asymmetric hydrogenation. All these catalysts are useful depending on the structures of substrates.
CEI: Can you tell us about some lessons you have learned over your long research career that might be helpful to young people.
RN: After more than thirty years' studying hydrogenation, I realized that "fact is the enemy of truth". This is the dialog of Don Quixote in the musical "Man of La Mancha" written by Dale Wasserman. Facts are valid only under limited conditions while the truth is something general that is behind the facts. The facts known when we initiated the study of hydrogenation were scientifically correct at that time, but it was only a very small part of the world of asymmetric hydrogenation. The truth about asymmetric hydrogenation is very deep and expansive.
What chemists in the 1970s were doing was something like a "dot". I felt I could make that "dot" into a "line". Yet it remains as a line. The principles and possibilities of chemistry might be extended to a "plane" or even to a three-dimensional world. Facts should be respected as facts, but we should not just accept facts which are limiting and thereby overlook the great truth behind facts. Otherwise development of science will be retarded. You should consider alternative possibilities and think carefully about your work.
CEI: This is really the crucial point. We tend to be satisfied when we feel we have identified the facts. It is difficult to go on further from this point.
By the way, there is a worldwide concern that young people are not interested in science in general, and in chemistry in particular. Can you provide a personal message for aspiring chemists?
RN: The world of science will expand infinitely. However, scientific research today tends to be too special and fragmental. What is needed of science is 'generality'; that all fields are combined into one universal science. So far scientists have not been particularly eager for this. Scientists must have a wider view of nature. As I have said before, scientists must make a line from a point, expand to a plane from a line and then design and construct a space. Chemistry is a science of matter and is the basis of modern civilization. Generality is particularly important for chemistry.
I like to advise young people that though the role of chemistry is the synthesis of materials, it should not remain its only role. Chemistry should open new fields or create new fields. There have been a large number of scientific/technological developments across many fields of science. In chemistry, technical advances that have had large ripple effects did not merely involve the synthesis of materials, but the creation of new fields of thought.
Sure, the synthesis of matter is important, but chemists should consider how new materials affect our society. If chemistry is satisfied simply with the synthesis of materials, then chemistry will be subordinate to other technologies, which would indeed be a pity!
The National Academy of Engineering (USA) ranked the 20th century as the century of technological innovation, and selected twenty great technological achievements. The greatest innovation they considered to be electricity, the others being automobiles, airplanes, water supply, electronics, radio and television, mechanization of agriculture, computers, telephones, air-conditioning and freezing, highways, space ships, the Internet, imaging, electrification of housework, medicine, petroleum and petroleum chemistry, laser and optical fibers, atomic power and high-functional materials.
The list clearly indicates the great contribution of chemistry. We can also see that most of these items are innovations of new fields when considered as social technologies. Cellular phones provide a good example. These are composites of materials, but create an innovation and change society. It is important to carry out research with such an idea in view, and to design the system for research.
CEI: I am afraid that it is rather difficult, under the present educational system, for young people to grow up with such a wide perspective. Perhaps you have some advice for schoolteachers that might be useful.
RN: I expect teachers will understand the reason why human beings devote time to science, and convey this point to their students. Scientists devote themselves to science not because of bread, but because science will bring them spiritual fulfillment.
I was enchanted by the beauty of the logic of science, and have tried to do what is important and fundamental. I also expect that if the results of my study will be useful to many fields of science, and furthermore, to society, then I should be pleased. Basically I did science for the sake of spiritual fulfillment and the realization of my hopes. To achieve this, both sensibility and intelligence are necessary. I hope people will cultivate these virtues when they are young.
Fig 6 The telephone card produced in tribute to the Nobel Prize awarded to Prof. Noyori. He loved the beautiful structure of BINAP.
My motto is "Research should be fresh, simple and clear." I would advise young people to consider the way to promote science in the right direction, and tackle problems as legitimate and fundamental as possible.
CEI: The challenge to solve legitimate and fundamental problems is indeed a challenge to create a new field!
RN: From my forty years' experience as a researcher, I learned that a research project has its own lifetime. In most cases this is from twenty to thirty years. A new jump, making the results obtained thus far as the foundation for further expansion, is required when the project is fully grown.
I hope young people will try to find a project which will be widely developed and open a new field. If young people in their late twenties or early thirties could find such a project, they will become the core researchers in this field after twenty or thirty years. In this regard, it is not advisable to choose currently popular topics as your project. This is not interesting, anyway.
Photo 6 Prof. Noyori was enthusiastic about speaking with us for this interview series which has been put together for the benefit of young chemists.
When you tackle with a new project, at first you will be in a minority group. Originality tends to be a lonely existence. I hope young people will not fear loneliness. Rather, I hope they will be proud of it. There seems to be a kind of misunderstanding of the meaning of democracy; thus it tends to be accepted that the majority is mighty and correct while the minority is wrong. People tend to belong to the majority because it is safer. Such a tendency is by all means not good for science.
I hope that science teachers appreciate the wonder of science and teach it to children. A textbook is something like a jewel box. Teachers should master the textbooks and convey this inspiration.
CEI: There seems to be an increase in the number of high school teachers who have studied at graduate school. Such teachers have practical experience of research and can tell lively stories of their own experiences to students.
RN: Indeed, it is most important that teachers who have learned the wonder of science by themselves will share their experiences with students. One of the reasons why science is not so popular among young people is that science is treated much too objectively, which ends in disregard of the people involved. Humans are interested in humans. Einstein is an overwhelmingly famous scholar. Many people are enchanted by him not only because of his great scientific achievement but also because of his unique personality and physical features.
Scientific research is by all means human. I hope teachers will tell students about this aspect of science. One of the reasons for the lack of popularity of science is "the absence of humanity", at least in Japan. There are many people who like literature but do not like science. However, few people do not like literature. Most scientists like literature probably because human beings are always involved. I hope teachers who have good memories of research will make this point to their students.
CEI: Finally, can you send a message to young people who will read the transcript of this interview?
RN: So far scientists have pursued the truth about nature while engineers have solved practical problems faced by society. Hereafter scientists are expected to not only have specific abilities related to their research, but also have an ability to foretell the trends of future society. Both teachers and students should know and understand this point. The crucial point is to create and maintain a sustainable society for our offspring. Science and technology must contribute to this.
CEI: Thank you very much for your valuable comments.
Last modified 13.04.07
Sunday, June 24, 2007
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Werner Martienssen, Hans Warlimont, «Springer Handbook of Condensed Matter and Materials Data»
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David Machin / Trevor N. Bryant / Stephen Gardner, «Statistics with Confidence: Confidence Intervals and Statistical Guidelines»
Blackwell Publishing Limited | ISBN: 0727913751 | 2 edition (May 15, 2000) | 240 pages | PDF | 33 Mb
Henry O. Everitt, «Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing»
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
New Web of Knowledge Introduction
Much similar to that of Scopus, which will be launched in mid 2007.
Much similar to that of Scopus, which will be launched in mid 2007.
物体却能做到羹无法完成的很多事情。薛定谔在《生命是什么》(1944 年)中就提出了
在20 世纪末的最后几年里,生命科学捷报频传:首先是1997年多莉羊的诞生,接着是
1998 年,《细胞》出版一期生物分子机器研究的研究专辑,时任美国科学院院长、生
物学家和生物学教育家的艾伯茨(B. Alberts)为该专辑撰写了题为《作为蛋白质机器集
2000 年10月,艾伯茨和NIH、霍华德·休斯医学研究所的官员共同倡议并发起了名为“
培养21世纪的科学家:本科生的生物学教育” (Undergraduate biology education to
prepare research scientists for the 21st century,简称Bio2010)的教育类咨询
物、化学、物理、数学与计算机科学以及工程科学的基本概念。 Bio2010委员会主席是
中国学生所熟悉的生物化学家、斯坦福大学的斯特里厄(L. Stryer)教授。
神经网络模型创立者、普林斯顿大学教授霍普菲尔德(J. Hopfield)是Bio2010物理与工
程学分委会主席,他在《今日物理》(Physics Today)上撰文指出:Bio2010的迫切需要
问题(2)(探讨新能源)与问题(7)(聚焦于自旋电子学、DNA计算机、量子信息) 外,其他
逊(P. Nelson)所著的《生物物理学:能量、信息、生命》(Biological Physics:
撰写第9章的目的),从而凸显了物理学研究(如纳米尺度物理学) 在21世纪生命科学中
它们的个体结构与功能(如细胞与生物膜的自组装、大脑和整个生物体) 到整个生物圈
,作者付出了怎样的心血,此番苦心孤诣堪与诺贝尔物理学奖得主德热纳(P. G. de
Gennes)在20世纪70年代写作《液晶物理学》(The Physics of Liquid Crystals)与《
高分子聚合物物理的标度性概念》(Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics)两本巨著
由易到难、循序渐进。特别是每章若干小节及习题旁标注的 “T”记号,是提供给研究
三年级所有级别研究生的欢迎,因为“他们不可能不注意到《纽约时报》(The New
York Times)上那些激动人心的文章,以及《今日物理》(Physics Today)上每一期的封
里首次出版,首先应该归功于该所老一辈物理学家彭桓武、周光召先生约在 17年前就
世界著名的传播交叉学科研究的中心,1993年6月23日怀尔斯(A. Wiles)就是在该所宣
得主沃克(J. Walker),高分子物理学者、前卡文迪什教授爱德华兹(S. Edwards,高分
子物理学经典著作The Theory of Polymer Dynamics的作者之一)在内的与会者推介了
行了更正,并列入作者的网上勘误表(见http: //www.physics.upenn.edu/~biophys/
2006 年,黎明和笔者应邀赴美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)卡弗里理论物理研究所(
学》(Intermediate biological physics)为题作了精彩演讲,UCSB校长杨祖佑先生及
物体却能做到羹无法完成的很多事情。薛定谔在《生命是什么》(1944 年)中就提出了
在20 世纪末的最后几年里,生命科学捷报频传:首先是1997年多莉羊的诞生,接着是
1998 年,《细胞》出版一期生物分子机器研究的研究专辑,时任美国科学院院长、生
物学家和生物学教育家的艾伯茨(B. Alberts)为该专辑撰写了题为《作为蛋白质机器集
2000 年10月,艾伯茨和NIH、霍华德·休斯医学研究所的官员共同倡议并发起了名为“
培养21世纪的科学家:本科生的生物学教育” (Undergraduate biology education to
prepare research scientists for the 21st century,简称Bio2010)的教育类咨询
物、化学、物理、数学与计算机科学以及工程科学的基本概念。 Bio2010委员会主席是
中国学生所熟悉的生物化学家、斯坦福大学的斯特里厄(L. Stryer)教授。
神经网络模型创立者、普林斯顿大学教授霍普菲尔德(J. Hopfield)是Bio2010物理与工
程学分委会主席,他在《今日物理》(Physics Today)上撰文指出:Bio2010的迫切需要
问题(2)(探讨新能源)与问题(7)(聚焦于自旋电子学、DNA计算机、量子信息) 外,其他
逊(P. Nelson)所著的《生物物理学:能量、信息、生命》(Biological Physics:
撰写第9章的目的),从而凸显了物理学研究(如纳米尺度物理学) 在21世纪生命科学中
它们的个体结构与功能(如细胞与生物膜的自组装、大脑和整个生物体) 到整个生物圈
,作者付出了怎样的心血,此番苦心孤诣堪与诺贝尔物理学奖得主德热纳(P. G. de
Gennes)在20世纪70年代写作《液晶物理学》(The Physics of Liquid Crystals)与《
高分子聚合物物理的标度性概念》(Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics)两本巨著
由易到难、循序渐进。特别是每章若干小节及习题旁标注的 “T”记号,是提供给研究
三年级所有级别研究生的欢迎,因为“他们不可能不注意到《纽约时报》(The New
York Times)上那些激动人心的文章,以及《今日物理》(Physics Today)上每一期的封
里首次出版,首先应该归功于该所老一辈物理学家彭桓武、周光召先生约在 17年前就
世界著名的传播交叉学科研究的中心,1993年6月23日怀尔斯(A. Wiles)就是在该所宣
得主沃克(J. Walker),高分子物理学者、前卡文迪什教授爱德华兹(S. Edwards,高分
子物理学经典著作The Theory of Polymer Dynamics的作者之一)在内的与会者推介了
行了更正,并列入作者的网上勘误表(见http: //www.physics.upenn.edu/~biophys/
2006 年,黎明和笔者应邀赴美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)卡弗里理论物理研究所(
学》(Intermediate biological physics)为题作了精彩演讲,UCSB校长杨祖佑先生及
Thursday, June 14, 2007
3. 舌体胖大、脾虚的人往往会出现这个问题,需要好好调理,没有太多简易方法,可以多吃点薏米、山药、莲子肉等。
3. 舌体胖大、脾虚的人往往会出现这个问题,需要好好调理,没有太多简易方法,可以多吃点薏米、山药、莲子肉等。
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
这个故事的素材是我提供的,因为当时MIT的Bob Silbey教授来我所作报告,是我做的主持。这个故事是Silbey教授在午饭的时候讲的。后来他回去之后还专门提供了英文的相关资料。一年后Silbey教授也选上了美国国家科学院的院士。
《科学时报》 记者 王丹红
BEC是玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein Condensation)的字母缩写。 2001年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了首次在实验上实现BEC的三位科学家,他们分别是美国科罗拉多大学的Eric Connel和Carl Wieman,以及麻省理工学院(MIT)的Wolfgang Ketterle当我们追溯这三位科学家的学术经历时,发现他们竟来源于同一个学术家族,这个家族的创始人是伟大的物理学家I.I Rabi.今年10月,应国家自然科学基金委员会邀请,MIT理学院院长、化学系教授Robert Silbey到北京访问,并在中国科学院化学研究所和北京大学化学学院作了两场学术报告。其间,Silbey讲述了在BEC研究中发生在两代科学家Wolfgang Ketterle和他的导师David Pritchard间的感人故事,这是一个诺贝尔奖版本的“伯乐与千里马”的故事。
Wolfgang Ketterle于1990年从德国到美国MIT物理系David Pritchard教授小组从事博士后研究。三年之后,Ketterle得到了其它研究机构提供的教席。如果Ketterle接受了这个职位,那么,他在其中起到非常重要作用的有关BEC的研究工作就有可能被中断。于是,Pritchard向学校提出给Ketterle一个助理教授职位,以使Ketterle能继续留在MIT。但是,美国大学的惯例是在同一个系里不能有完全相同研究领域的两个教授,于是Pritchard做出了一个科学家所能做到的最无私的决定。
Pritchard决定让Ketterle接手原本是他主持的BEC实验研究工作,而自己则选择了改变研究方向。Pritchard说: “我从此脱离了该项实验,但我得到了一个了不起的同事。”
在MIT,大力支持Ketterle的并不只有Pritchard一人,Pritchard的博士导师、MIT物理系教授Dan Klepnner也是热忱的支持者。让我们来看看这个伟大的学术家族里的师承关系和他们的贡献。这个家族的创始人Rabi是1944年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者;1989年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、哈佛大学教授Norman Ramsey是Rabi的博士研究生,也是Klepnner的博士导师;1997年获得诺贝尔物理学奖的William Phillips是Klepnner的博士生,Pritchard的博士后;而与Ketterle一起在2001年分享诺贝尔物理学奖的Eric Corell是Pritchard的博士生,另一位获得者Carl Wieman是Klepnner以前的学生,而且Wieman还是Cornell的博士后导师。Silbey说,换了别人,也会和Ketterle一样无法拒绝这样的同事和研究传统。也许我们应当反对学术上的近亲繁殖,因为它会造成学术的退化。但从这一科学家族的传统来看,却好像是验证了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者彼得·梅多沃在《给青年科学家的忠告》中所警告的,不要过分夸大近亲繁殖的坏处,因为“伟大的研究学派往往是通过近亲繁殖而建立起来的”。
在Ketterle获奖之后不久,MIT理学院邀请MIT的校董事和一些著名校友参加Ketterle关于BEC的报告会。报告之前,Pritchard问道,各位想不想看一看真正的诺贝尔奖牌? Silbey当时正在主持会议,他说他吃惊地看见Pritchard从口袋中掏出那块金牌,然后让大家一一传看,并且笑着说: “看完后要还给我,我还要带它回家。”Silbey说: “这是多么动人的一幕,我为自己的学院中有这样的同事和他们所取得的成就感到非常自豪。”
2001年MIT共有8位校友获得诺贝尔奖。 2002年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖又授予了一位MIT生物学教授,Silbey说,MIT这两年非常幸运,获得了如此多的诺贝尔奖,但在此中间,MIT最愿意告诉大家的还是Ketterle和Pritchard的故事,因为这会告诉大家,MIT是怎样的一个大学,MIT有什么样的人和什么样的科学家,才能取得这样的科学成就。他说像Pritchard这样无私的人在任何行业中都是少有的,真正伟大的成就往往与这种无私的支持和合作联系在一起。
这个故事的素材是我提供的,因为当时MIT的Bob Silbey教授来我所作报告,是我做的主持。这个故事是Silbey教授在午饭的时候讲的。后来他回去之后还专门提供了英文的相关资料。一年后Silbey教授也选上了美国国家科学院的院士。
《科学时报》 记者 王丹红
BEC是玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein Condensation)的字母缩写。 2001年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了首次在实验上实现BEC的三位科学家,他们分别是美国科罗拉多大学的Eric Connel和Carl Wieman,以及麻省理工学院(MIT)的Wolfgang Ketterle当我们追溯这三位科学家的学术经历时,发现他们竟来源于同一个学术家族,这个家族的创始人是伟大的物理学家I.I Rabi.今年10月,应国家自然科学基金委员会邀请,MIT理学院院长、化学系教授Robert Silbey到北京访问,并在中国科学院化学研究所和北京大学化学学院作了两场学术报告。其间,Silbey讲述了在BEC研究中发生在两代科学家Wolfgang Ketterle和他的导师David Pritchard间的感人故事,这是一个诺贝尔奖版本的“伯乐与千里马”的故事。
Wolfgang Ketterle于1990年从德国到美国MIT物理系David Pritchard教授小组从事博士后研究。三年之后,Ketterle得到了其它研究机构提供的教席。如果Ketterle接受了这个职位,那么,他在其中起到非常重要作用的有关BEC的研究工作就有可能被中断。于是,Pritchard向学校提出给Ketterle一个助理教授职位,以使Ketterle能继续留在MIT。但是,美国大学的惯例是在同一个系里不能有完全相同研究领域的两个教授,于是Pritchard做出了一个科学家所能做到的最无私的决定。
Pritchard决定让Ketterle接手原本是他主持的BEC实验研究工作,而自己则选择了改变研究方向。Pritchard说: “我从此脱离了该项实验,但我得到了一个了不起的同事。”
在MIT,大力支持Ketterle的并不只有Pritchard一人,Pritchard的博士导师、MIT物理系教授Dan Klepnner也是热忱的支持者。让我们来看看这个伟大的学术家族里的师承关系和他们的贡献。这个家族的创始人Rabi是1944年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者;1989年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、哈佛大学教授Norman Ramsey是Rabi的博士研究生,也是Klepnner的博士导师;1997年获得诺贝尔物理学奖的William Phillips是Klepnner的博士生,Pritchard的博士后;而与Ketterle一起在2001年分享诺贝尔物理学奖的Eric Corell是Pritchard的博士生,另一位获得者Carl Wieman是Klepnner以前的学生,而且Wieman还是Cornell的博士后导师。Silbey说,换了别人,也会和Ketterle一样无法拒绝这样的同事和研究传统。也许我们应当反对学术上的近亲繁殖,因为它会造成学术的退化。但从这一科学家族的传统来看,却好像是验证了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者彼得·梅多沃在《给青年科学家的忠告》中所警告的,不要过分夸大近亲繁殖的坏处,因为“伟大的研究学派往往是通过近亲繁殖而建立起来的”。
在Ketterle获奖之后不久,MIT理学院邀请MIT的校董事和一些著名校友参加Ketterle关于BEC的报告会。报告之前,Pritchard问道,各位想不想看一看真正的诺贝尔奖牌? Silbey当时正在主持会议,他说他吃惊地看见Pritchard从口袋中掏出那块金牌,然后让大家一一传看,并且笑着说: “看完后要还给我,我还要带它回家。”Silbey说: “这是多么动人的一幕,我为自己的学院中有这样的同事和他们所取得的成就感到非常自豪。”
2001年MIT共有8位校友获得诺贝尔奖。 2002年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖又授予了一位MIT生物学教授,Silbey说,MIT这两年非常幸运,获得了如此多的诺贝尔奖,但在此中间,MIT最愿意告诉大家的还是Ketterle和Pritchard的故事,因为这会告诉大家,MIT是怎样的一个大学,MIT有什么样的人和什么样的科学家,才能取得这样的科学成就。他说像Pritchard这样无私的人在任何行业中都是少有的,真正伟大的成就往往与这种无私的支持和合作联系在一起。
很多人都以为我是做的纯科学研究的,可能还读过我太太翻译和我校对的那篇Henry Rowland的《为纯科学呼吁》,所以会认为我应该不会对产业界的应用和技术有太多的兴趣。
可是就在列宁讲这些东西之前,美帝国主义就在不断地努力要打破产业的垄断。美国于1890就通过了所谓的The Sherman Antitrust Act(Sherman反垄断法),就开始对各种商业和产业上的垄断进行法律上的限制。过去100多年在美国通过Sherman反垄断法相关的反垄断诉讼,不断地打破了很多行业的垄断,促进了国内和国际竞争,发展了资本主义经济,体现了垄断受到限制的资本主义经济的活力和优越性。
维基百科上关于Sherman Antitrust Act的介绍:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherman_Antitrust_Act
The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890),可见:http://www.stolaf.edu/people/becker/antitrust/statutes/sherman.html
很多人都以为我是做的纯科学研究的,可能还读过我太太翻译和我校对的那篇Henry Rowland的《为纯科学呼吁》,所以会认为我应该不会对产业界的应用和技术有太多的兴趣。
可是就在列宁讲这些东西之前,美帝国主义就在不断地努力要打破产业的垄断。美国于1890就通过了所谓的The Sherman Antitrust Act(Sherman反垄断法),就开始对各种商业和产业上的垄断进行法律上的限制。过去100多年在美国通过Sherman反垄断法相关的反垄断诉讼,不断地打破了很多行业的垄断,促进了国内和国际竞争,发展了资本主义经济,体现了垄断受到限制的资本主义经济的活力和优越性。
维基百科上关于Sherman Antitrust Act的介绍:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherman_Antitrust_Act
The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890),可见:http://www.stolaf.edu/people/becker/antitrust/statutes/sherman.html
1. 如果一个学生做事很着急,就必须常常建议他放慢脚步,注意观察。
2. 如果一个学生慢吞吞,就必须经常催促他,在后面踢他的屁股。
3. 如果一个学生做得不错,适当的鼓励之后,必需很快指出他的不足。
4. 如果一个学生做得很不好,指出他的不足之后,必需要鼓励他,告诉他每个人都会有走麦城的时候。
5. 如果一个学生做事很少考虑其它同事和同学,就必须告诉他人是生活在集体中的,需要互相促进。
6. 如果一个学生老是考虑别人的意见和态度,就必须告诉他每个人只需要管自己,让其他人去他妈的蛋。
7. 如果一个学生读书和文献太少,就必须告诉他多读多想才有益于研究思路的开阔。
8. 如果一个学生读了太多文献和书,不能集中精力研究一个问题,就必须告诉他书读多了人会变傻。
9. 如果一个学生总不来问老师问题,只是与同学讨论,就要告诉他同学不会教他些什么,老师才是唯一有责任教他的人。
10. 如果一个学生什么问题都来问老师,就要告诉他老师不是他的保姆,独立思考和与同学讨论非常重要。
1. 如果一个学生做事很着急,就必须常常建议他放慢脚步,注意观察。
2. 如果一个学生慢吞吞,就必须经常催促他,在后面踢他的屁股。
3. 如果一个学生做得不错,适当的鼓励之后,必需很快指出他的不足。
4. 如果一个学生做得很不好,指出他的不足之后,必需要鼓励他,告诉他每个人都会有走麦城的时候。
5. 如果一个学生做事很少考虑其它同事和同学,就必须告诉他人是生活在集体中的,需要互相促进。
6. 如果一个学生老是考虑别人的意见和态度,就必须告诉他每个人只需要管自己,让其他人去他妈的蛋。
7. 如果一个学生读书和文献太少,就必须告诉他多读多想才有益于研究思路的开阔。
8. 如果一个学生读了太多文献和书,不能集中精力研究一个问题,就必须告诉他书读多了人会变傻。
9. 如果一个学生总不来问老师问题,只是与同学讨论,就要告诉他同学不会教他些什么,老师才是唯一有责任教他的人。
10. 如果一个学生什么问题都来问老师,就要告诉他老师不是他的保姆,独立思考和与同学讨论非常重要。
上个礼拜到母校去给本科生作报告,遇到几位那里的教授,他们告诉我说礼拜一下午有一个美国某著名州立大学的教授要做报告,介绍上说他已经发表了近150篇JACS,是了不得的高手。于是他们说,你见多识广,知不知道这个人。我听了名字,觉得不太熟悉。因为我自己不在JACS上发表文章,不知道也是很自然的。一个人一辈子能发表150篇文章,本来就是不小的成就,而且都还发表在该领域内的重要期刊上,当然更了不起。不过既然我都没看过这些文章,那一定是和我的具体领域没有太多直接关系。反正我礼拜一上午要离开,Who cares!
科学期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)
上次在博文《要追求科学,不要以我为榜样》中谈到了一点关于国内化学学科评价中唯JACS(The Journal of the American Chemical Society)是尊的现象。国内物理学科评价中现在也是唯PRL(Physical Review Letters)是尊。最为的好笑和荒唐的是,连物理学领域的人,也要把在JACS上发表文章作为水平高的证明。其中的原因当然是这两个杂志的影响因子(Impact Factor-IF)比较高,也就是在文章发表两年之内的文章的平均引用次数大概都在15次左右。所以影响因子高达6-7。而一般国际上最好的的非综述类化学或物理类期刊影响因子只有2-4。影响因子高当然从统计来讲上意味着该期刊的平均被引次数相对较高。但对单篇文章来讲,所发表的期刊的影响因子其实没有太大的意义。
当然期刊的平均影响因子和发表在其中每篇文章的被引用数并没有直接关系。一般来讲整个期刊的影响因子的90%大概是该期刊所发表的25%的文章所贡献的。所以一篇文章引用数如果不能达到该期刊的前25%,被引用的次数往往就低于被引用的平均数。所以为什么专家都建议不要只用杂志的影响因子来衡量文章,尤其是在中国。这些都是很多专家讨论过的问题,所以也不用我多说。有兴趣的人可以到发表期刊影响因子的ISI网站上去看ISI对影响因子的客观介绍和评价。或者可以直接到ISI的创始人Eugene Garfield博士的网站上去读他的那些经典文章。
Eugene Garfield博士的网站:http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/
Eugene Garfield博士和ISI
Eugene Garfield在1958年创建的ISI(Institute of Scientific Information),对科学期刊的引用数据进行统计和研究,现在ISI的不断更新的这些数据已经成为影响世界上所有科学家和科学管理机构的行为的最重要的因素。Eugene Garfield博士因此被称为SCI之父。现在SCI的时间已经被推广到医学、法律和人文科学领域,在互联网时代成为最为重要的学术信息平台和工具之一。
ISI的总部在美国费城,距离我做博士后的LRSM大楼不到200米远。我常常经过其门口,但并不了解那是个什么机构。ISI的名字看起来就像FBI(Federal Bereau of Investigation,联邦调查局)一样,好像是个特务或情报机构。我是1999年回国以后才发现ISI对中国科学界的影响是如此之大,人们言必称ISI的SCI(Scientific Citation Index,科学引文数据)和IF,而且所有的评估、评奖、申请基金都要用它。而丢人的是自己居然就在它跟前都不知道是怎么回事。早知道自己在那里就跟ISI拉上关系,回国来以此混饭吃,可能就没有刘煜老兄什么事了。
我要和ISI拉上关系出了有天时、地利之外,还有人和。Garfield本生就是学化学出生的,而且是在Columbia大学学的化学。后来他又在Pennsylvania大学获得博士学位。这两个学校都和我有关系。据说上次他到中国访问,因为是学过化学的,还被聘为我毕业的科大化学物理系的客座或荣誉教授。Garfield创建SCI的思想,源于在Columbia大学学化学时,他对该校科学社会学泰斗Robert Merton的科学计量学研究的了解和兴趣。我一直都对Merton学派的科学社会学研究很感兴趣,所以自然非常赞同Garfield博士创建ISI的理念。当然,我说这些都是马后炮。我现在和ISI的关系,不过是我们办的杂志《化学物理学报》被收录其中,而且我有时候能和刘煜老兄以及他们来访的ISI或Thompson公司的官员喝喝茶而已。当然,我也经常用SCI来检索自己和同行的论文和引用情况,它对我们的研究工作非常有帮助。
礼拜一早上7:00点,我到餐厅早餐,服务员说7:30才开始,于是我就到母校的眼镜湖边去散步。刚到那里,就有一个和蔼可亲的美国老先生朝我走过来。Hello之后,他问我是不是也在等早餐,于是我们就攀谈起来。原来他就是那个下午要作报告的发表了150篇JACS的牛人,一个非常温和和有成就的有机光化学家,Wisconsin大学的Steven Nelsen教授。
我们哥伦比亚化学系有一个比Nelsen更有名的有机光化学家泰斗,就是我们科大校友佟振合院士的博士导师,世界上所有学过一点光化学的人都知道的Nicolas Turro教授。Turro教授发表的JACS文章比Nelsen教授还多,而且引用数还高出好几倍,正是所谓的强中自有强中手。我当年做博士论文时,做过的唯一一个简单有机合成,就是到系里Breslow教授的组和Turro组去请人帮忙才搞定。我的博士导师曾经发表过的唯一一篇Science论文,就是和Turro合作的。很糟糕的是,那可能也是他们两人到目前为止被引用数目最少的文章之一,从1984年到现在才被引用了38次。虽然这个工作本是并非一定不重要,但我老板从来没有向我提起过这篇文章,所以我也从来不迷信Science,整个念博士期间就没看过一次Science杂志,说起来真是不好意思。
上个礼拜到母校去给本科生作报告,遇到几位那里的教授,他们告诉我说礼拜一下午有一个美国某著名州立大学的教授要做报告,介绍上说他已经发表了近150篇JACS,是了不得的高手。于是他们说,你见多识广,知不知道这个人。我听了名字,觉得不太熟悉。因为我自己不在JACS上发表文章,不知道也是很自然的。一个人一辈子能发表150篇文章,本来就是不小的成就,而且都还发表在该领域内的重要期刊上,当然更了不起。不过既然我都没看过这些文章,那一定是和我的具体领域没有太多直接关系。反正我礼拜一上午要离开,Who cares!
科学期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)
上次在博文《要追求科学,不要以我为榜样》中谈到了一点关于国内化学学科评价中唯JACS(The Journal of the American Chemical Society)是尊的现象。国内物理学科评价中现在也是唯PRL(Physical Review Letters)是尊。最为的好笑和荒唐的是,连物理学领域的人,也要把在JACS上发表文章作为水平高的证明。其中的原因当然是这两个杂志的影响因子(Impact Factor-IF)比较高,也就是在文章发表两年之内的文章的平均引用次数大概都在15次左右。所以影响因子高达6-7。而一般国际上最好的的非综述类化学或物理类期刊影响因子只有2-4。影响因子高当然从统计来讲上意味着该期刊的平均被引次数相对较高。但对单篇文章来讲,所发表的期刊的影响因子其实没有太大的意义。
当然期刊的平均影响因子和发表在其中每篇文章的被引用数并没有直接关系。一般来讲整个期刊的影响因子的90%大概是该期刊所发表的25%的文章所贡献的。所以一篇文章引用数如果不能达到该期刊的前25%,被引用的次数往往就低于被引用的平均数。所以为什么专家都建议不要只用杂志的影响因子来衡量文章,尤其是在中国。这些都是很多专家讨论过的问题,所以也不用我多说。有兴趣的人可以到发表期刊影响因子的ISI网站上去看ISI对影响因子的客观介绍和评价。或者可以直接到ISI的创始人Eugene Garfield博士的网站上去读他的那些经典文章。
Eugene Garfield博士的网站:http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/
Eugene Garfield博士和ISI
Eugene Garfield在1958年创建的ISI(Institute of Scientific Information),对科学期刊的引用数据进行统计和研究,现在ISI的不断更新的这些数据已经成为影响世界上所有科学家和科学管理机构的行为的最重要的因素。Eugene Garfield博士因此被称为SCI之父。现在SCI的时间已经被推广到医学、法律和人文科学领域,在互联网时代成为最为重要的学术信息平台和工具之一。
ISI的总部在美国费城,距离我做博士后的LRSM大楼不到200米远。我常常经过其门口,但并不了解那是个什么机构。ISI的名字看起来就像FBI(Federal Bereau of Investigation,联邦调查局)一样,好像是个特务或情报机构。我是1999年回国以后才发现ISI对中国科学界的影响是如此之大,人们言必称ISI的SCI(Scientific Citation Index,科学引文数据)和IF,而且所有的评估、评奖、申请基金都要用它。而丢人的是自己居然就在它跟前都不知道是怎么回事。早知道自己在那里就跟ISI拉上关系,回国来以此混饭吃,可能就没有刘煜老兄什么事了。
我要和ISI拉上关系出了有天时、地利之外,还有人和。Garfield本生就是学化学出生的,而且是在Columbia大学学的化学。后来他又在Pennsylvania大学获得博士学位。这两个学校都和我有关系。据说上次他到中国访问,因为是学过化学的,还被聘为我毕业的科大化学物理系的客座或荣誉教授。Garfield创建SCI的思想,源于在Columbia大学学化学时,他对该校科学社会学泰斗Robert Merton的科学计量学研究的了解和兴趣。我一直都对Merton学派的科学社会学研究很感兴趣,所以自然非常赞同Garfield博士创建ISI的理念。当然,我说这些都是马后炮。我现在和ISI的关系,不过是我们办的杂志《化学物理学报》被收录其中,而且我有时候能和刘煜老兄以及他们来访的ISI或Thompson公司的官员喝喝茶而已。当然,我也经常用SCI来检索自己和同行的论文和引用情况,它对我们的研究工作非常有帮助。
礼拜一早上7:00点,我到餐厅早餐,服务员说7:30才开始,于是我就到母校的眼镜湖边去散步。刚到那里,就有一个和蔼可亲的美国老先生朝我走过来。Hello之后,他问我是不是也在等早餐,于是我们就攀谈起来。原来他就是那个下午要作报告的发表了150篇JACS的牛人,一个非常温和和有成就的有机光化学家,Wisconsin大学的Steven Nelsen教授。
我们哥伦比亚化学系有一个比Nelsen更有名的有机光化学家泰斗,就是我们科大校友佟振合院士的博士导师,世界上所有学过一点光化学的人都知道的Nicolas Turro教授。Turro教授发表的JACS文章比Nelsen教授还多,而且引用数还高出好几倍,正是所谓的强中自有强中手。我当年做博士论文时,做过的唯一一个简单有机合成,就是到系里Breslow教授的组和Turro组去请人帮忙才搞定。我的博士导师曾经发表过的唯一一篇Science论文,就是和Turro合作的。很糟糕的是,那可能也是他们两人到目前为止被引用数目最少的文章之一,从1984年到现在才被引用了38次。虽然这个工作本是并非一定不重要,但我老板从来没有向我提起过这篇文章,所以我也从来不迷信Science,整个念博士期间就没看过一次Science杂志,说起来真是不好意思。
Sunday, June 03, 2007
业时,发表了20多篇英语论文。 但是,我对怎样写高质量科技论文的理解仍旧处于初
错误。之所以如此,是因为大多数时间我都欣然接受我的博士指导老师Dr. George
Stell和Dr. Harold Friedman的修
导老师Dr. Carol Hall建议我到邻近的杜克大学去参加一个为期两天的写作短训班。这
学Dr. Martin Karplus组。在
博士后学好写作。 我不认为
yqzhou@iupui.edu。 欢迎访问我的网站:http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu。
业时,发表了20多篇英语论文。 但是,我对怎样写高质量科技论文的理解仍旧处于初
错误。之所以如此,是因为大多数时间我都欣然接受我的博士指导老师Dr. George
Stell和Dr. Harold Friedman的修
导老师Dr. Carol Hall建议我到邻近的杜克大学去参加一个为期两天的写作短训班。这
学Dr. Martin Karplus组。在
博士后学好写作。 我不认为
yqzhou@iupui.edu。 欢迎访问我的网站:http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu。
1、不抽 烟
9、有爹有娘没车没房(注:房 指没有自己的一栋房子,和父母住一起)
10、不哈 韩、不会跳街舞、长得不像任何帅哥、不敢顶撞父母……
9、有爹有娘没车没房(注:房 指没有自己的一栋房子,和父母住一起)
10、不哈 韩、不会跳街舞、长得不像任何帅哥、不敢顶撞父母……
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